Quidditch Balls (part 3)

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This story takes place in The Order of The Phoenix before Sirius' death, and is a  prequel-sequel to 'Quills and Ink Bottles' For Mature Audience.

Sirius looked up at the sky and gave a great bellowing bark, as if to send a swear word up to his old friend, but then immediately felt badly about it and began pacing again whining quietly now. He couldn't get Harry's letter out of his head. He'd only gotten it two days ago and he'd read it a dozen times.

Dear Sirius,

How are things working out with your assignment? I certainly hope all is well and you have some good news for us.

Believe it or not, life is pretty normal right now. Except for the fact that all the teachers have loaded us down with studies for the O.W.L.s and my mind is wondering on to other things. And not the things you would expect. I keep thinking about a girl. I know it's silly, but I really can't figure it all out.

Never mind my ramblings. I'm just curious about how you are since I haven't heard from you in a while.

Love, Harry

I keep thinking about a girl.

A girl.


There was one in particular. Sirius reread the letter many times trying to read between the lines and find who this girl was and exactly what Harry's 'relationship' was with her. Sirius could assume that Harry probably hadn't done much physically with her, as he'd never spoken of 'a girl' before this. Except for Hermione…


No, he discarded the thought immediately. If anyone fancied Hermione, it was Ron. So, who precisely did Harry fancy?

The sound of footsteps nearing snapped Sirius out of his thoughts and he could just see Harry approaching. 'Alright, James. This is it', he thought. 'I bet you and Lily are having a really good laugh right now'.

"Hi, Sirius." Harry came bounding up, slightly out of breath.

Wrapping his arms around him, Sirius said, "Good to see you, Harry."

"What's so important? Why did you want to see me so quickly? Is there information about the Order? Are we getting any closer to Voldemort? Where is Professor Lupin? And why couldn't Ron and Hermione come up here with me? Is this something really bad?"

Sirius could barely get a word in edgewise when Harry was in a state like this. For a boy that the press described repeatedly as shy, Harry sure was talkative. "No, no, nothing like that! I just… I got your last letter, and I thought you and I should talk, um, alone."

Harry's face went a bit pale. "Oh."

"You do want to talk about this?" Sirius furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yes, I just," Harry stammered. "I didn't know you would do this face to face. I thought you'd send a letter."

Sirius smiled. "Harry, some things are too difficult to put onto parchment." Seeing Harry flush slightly, Sirius continued. "Now, without trying to sound too forward…" Sirius paused as he felt a wave of nervousness hit him in the stomach. "How much do you already know?"

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