Broken Heart

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This story takes place after the war. AU.

It's a Muggle photograph, so she rips it in half and then into fourths.

But it doesn't matter.

He is the one who tore them apart.


Her mum finds it in the rubbish bin and uses her magic to put it back together.

You might want to hold onto thisYou never know.

When her mum is gone, she tears it up into eighths.


She won't hold onto the hope that he will return.

She can't.


He comes home almost two years to the day he left, and he looks no different, but she has trouble recognizing him.

He's taller, and that spot on his shoulder where she used to rest her head is too high for her to reach now.


He is free now. Free from Horcruxes and Voldemort and responsibility in general.

Not everyone made it through the Final Battle, though.

He spends his first night as a free man in the hospital with his substitute family, sitting at his substitute father's side.

And then Arthur finally lets go and slips into the darkness that he, himself, has only narrowly avoided so many times in his life.

She turns her back and leaves the room, and he follows her.  He grabs her hand, it is then that he notices the ring.


He told her he'd come back.

She never said she'd be waiting.


He doesn't understand how he can destroy Voldemort and can kill every Death Eater that cross his path with nothing but a wand (and sometimes not even that), but he cannot bring himself to look at her as she stands in the corner and whispers with Hermione.

He is so pathetic.


She looks beautiful today, which means nothing to anyone anymore, because she always looks beautiful.

Glamour Charms hide her frown lines, the ones he gave her back when she still cared enough about him to be disappointed.

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