The Flames Of The Phoenix

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This story is an alternate version of the chamber scene in The Chamber Of the Secrets

Ginny Weasley was not alone.

Not that she particularly enjoyed her present company.

Ginny was standing in a large chamber. Dark grey mist filled the gigantic area – Ginny was unsure of the boundaries of the chamber – the walls seemed to be melded into the mist.

However, there were two doors. One showed a blinding white light pouring out. The other, pitch darkness. Ginny felt herself slowly float towards the dark door, and as she came closer, the door opened wider.

Simultaniously, the bright, white door on the other end closed narrower.

Ginny knew that she couldn't allow herself to reach the black door.

It would be all over.

Ginny tried to claw her way back along the floor, but her fingertips went through the ground like it was a cloud.

Tom Riddle stood, silhouetted against the narrowing beam of light coming from behind the white door.

Tom laughed at Ginny's attempt as jumbled portions of her memories fell through the chamber and Tom sucked them into him.

Sneaking outside and stealing a ride on a broomstick…Running up to Bill Weasley and giving him a hug when he visited…Playing Princesses and Dragons with Charlie…Being Minister Percy's secretary…

The memories swirled around in the heavy air. They mixed and broke, then swirled into Tom's laughing form.

Tom Riddle was about to open his mouth, but he suddenly froze.

Music was filling Ginny's heart. Her hair tingled and her heart swelled up. Tom looked uneasy, unsure of himself.

The music continued to swell, and Ginny was filled with immense courage and spiritual strength.

She began to push back on Tom Riddle. Her memories started flooding back to her.

Tom's eyes widened in shock. He had been so close – one push would've done her, so he tried to push back, and neutralize Ginny's surprising counterattack.

But the music filled Tom with such an utter sense of hopeless dread.

Ginny was pushing him back at an amazing speed. Tom felt himself weakening at an alarming rate as Ginny grew stronger.

With the Phoenix song filling the chamber and Ginny continually blasting him backwards, Tom Riddle was filled with a terror he had never felt before.

Ginny had transformed from a frightened little girl into a ferocious lioness.

Tom tried to do something, anything, to help. He reached for his wand.

Only to find it wasn't there.

Tom's heart plummetted as he looked into Ginny's triumphant smirk and blazing brown eyes.

Tom felt himself disintergrate and vanish.

Ginny took the last couple of steps, and walked through the white doorway.

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