The Snake In Brazil

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This story takes place after the war.

Harry Potter was having a good day. He was lying on picnic blanket somewhere in Brazil, with his wife Ginny's head nestled in the crook of his arm, and they were snoozing in the sunshine.

Ginny was in the country as one of England's Qudditch team Chasers, and Harry thought it was a good time to holiday, so he took the leave that was coming to him and joined her in the South American nation.

However, right now, Ginny had a day off, so she and Harry trekked onto a hillside and enjoyed the peace and tranquillity the lack of paparazzi brought.

Ginny was happily snoozing away, when she felt something snake up her leg. Something that wasn't her husband's foot – which would have been most welcome, if it had been – but it wasn't, so Ginny knew she had to put a stop to this flagrant disregard of her personal space.

Opening her eyes, she saw a large python slither over her leg. It seemingly wasn't really interested in her, but was rather more interested in Harry.

Ginny nudged Harry awake and he scrambled to sit up.

"Nice snakey." Ginny said, pulling a half sandwich out of the picnic basket. "Nice, not-eating-my-Husband snakey."

It turn its head to look at Ginny, and then turned back to Harry with what Ginny swore was a quizzical expression.

"Here, snakey snakey snakey." Ginny extended her sandwich holding hand, and then asked Harry. "Do snakes eat sandwiches?"

The python answered her question by gobbling it up, and Ginny made the following observation:

"I think he likes us, Harry."

"How do you know it's a boy?" Harry asked, smiling crookedly at his wife.

"Because of his name."

"His name?" Harry asked apprehensively. "What would that be, love?"

Harry was well aware of Ginny's creative naming talents.

"Why, Ron, of course." Ginny smiled broadly.



"Why Ron?"

"Because he interrupted our alone time and ate our food."

Harry had to admit that was sound logic.

"Ron," Ginny spoke to the snake. "I'm Ginny Potter and this is my husband, Harry."

"He can't understand you, Gin." Harry shook his head in amusement.

The snake, seemingly in response, turned and hissed at Harry.

"Maybe Ron wants some space." Harry said, backing away as Ginny did the same. But the snake just followed Harry and hissed again. Ginny found this altogether adorable.

"Yes! Our first family pet!"

"I wonder what it wants with me." Harry backed away again, and the snake slithered after him, hissing away.

Harry stopped, and so did Ron, who hissed at Harry again.

"He's definitely trying to tell you something." Ginny said.

Harry took a moment to look the creature over – it wasn't any breed he could recognise as magical, but there was a certain, strange familiarity it possessed.

Harry was struck by a sudden idea. He summoned a pane of glass between himself and the snake, then removed it.

The snake simply slithered on. Harry turned to Ginny and shrugged as if to say. 'That didn't work exactly as I thought it would.'

Harry turned back to the snake, and it winked.

"You're that snake?" Harry asked, seemingly forgetting that he could no longer speak Parseltongue. "From the zoo?"

Astonishingly, the snake seemed to understand him, and nodded. Ginny was staring, open mouthed at the two of them.


At Ginny's first match, Ron and Harry sat together, watching her produce a splendid performance in the national colours. Ron scared the paparazzi away and was beginning to reteach Harry parseltongue.

Harry was not sure how that would turn out, but he had to admit he'd much rather learn the language like this rather than how he originally acquired the talent.

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