Explain Yourself

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This story takes place in The Chamber Of Secrets. AU.

"Explain yourself, Mr. Potter!"

Harry knew he was in deep trouble, again. He had frozen at the sound of McGonagall's voice but kept his eye on the retreating back of Ginny as she slowly walked down the corridor. He was kicking himself for not bringing his Cloak, but there had been no time. He had to rush to keep up.

"Please, Professor," Harry pleaded, still not turning around. "I'll explain everything as soon as we help Ginny."

"Ginny? Ginny Weasley?" McGonagall asked.

"Yes, ma'am," Harry answered as he pointed down the hall.

"Miss Weasley!" McGonagall shouted. Ginny didn't respond.

"That's why I think she needs help, Professor," pleaded Harry.

"You may be correct, Mr. Potter. Come," McGonagall hurried past him.

They caught Ginny as she was about to enter the girls' loo on the second floor. McGonagall stared at Ginny's eyes as she held her by the shoulders. Harry watched nervously as McGonagall pried the little black book from Ginny's tightly wrapped grip. The Professor snapped her fingers in front of Ginny's face a few times, to no avail. With a frowning look at Harry, McGonagall pulled her wand. She sent two silvery orbs down the corridor.

McGonagall glanced over her shoulder at the loo door. When she turned back, she had the most thoughtful look on her face Harry had ever seen her have before. Her lips were pinched tightly in concentration, not angry, at least for the moment.

"Bring me that book, Potter," McGonagall ordered as she looked closer at Ginny's eyes.

Harry stepped closer to where the Professor had tossed the little book onto the floor, but as he neared it a searing pain shot through his scar. Harry yelped in surprise, holding his forehead.

"That's close enough, Mr. Potter," Dumbledore called as he arrived. "Come stand with Miss Weasley, please."

"Headmaster?" McGonagall questioned.

Dumbledore didn't answer at first. He waved his wand around the book, waiting. The book glowed a dark blackish green. "I was afraid of that," he sighed as he picked up the book. He called one of the house-elves to take it back to his office for safekeeping. Just as the elf left, Madam Pomfrey arrived. She was clucking her tongue when she saw Harry but then looked surprised as McGonagall pointed to Ginny instead. As the matron went to work on Ginny, McGonagall turned back to Harry.

"Now, Mr. Potter," she frowned at him, "would you kindly explain just what you and Miss Weasley are doing out of bed at this hour?"

"Of course, Professor," Harry sighed. "I was doing my homework in the Common Room after my 'detention' with Professor Lockhart when I saw Ginny come down the stairs. I called out to her three times as she walked out of the Tower, but she didn't answer. I thought something was strange about that and that she was walking so slowly."

"You're quite right about that, Mr. Potter," Madam Pomfrey huffed. "Albus, she's possessed."

"Possessed?" Harry and McGonagall almost shouted. Dumbledore and Pomfrey both looked at them with raised eyebrows.

"I believe I know who is possessing her," nodded Dumbledore gravely. "I'm just not sure how to break it."

"Can't you do anything for her?" Harry sounded desperate, even to his own ears. Why was he suddenly so concerned? Thinking back over the summer, Ginny had defended him against Malfoy. Maybe that was the reason? Or was it? She looked pale, tired, too thin. Maybe it was that that was concerning him so much? Or was it that she was his best mate's little sister? Or that he thought she was cute? Cute? Where had that come from?

"Mr. Potter, it is not that simple," Dumbledore started.

Harry shook his head with a frown. He walked over to Ginny, looking her in the eyes; they were cloudy, fuzzy, unfocused. Her eyes suddenly widened as she looked at him. A feral smile creased her lips as a taunting voice, that was not her own, spoke.

"Well, well. If it isn't Harry Potter?"

"Tom, let her go!" Dumbledore ordered as he tried to pull Harry away from Ginny.

"Tom? Who's Tom?" Harry asked as he pulled out of Dumbledore's grasp.

"I am Tom Riddle," the voice laughed through Ginny's mouth. "But you know me better as Lord Voldemort, Potter." Ginny reached into her robes, pulling out her wand.

"Ginny!" Harry yelled as he did the only sensible thing to him at that moment. Harry grabbed Ginny by the arms, knocking the wand out of her hand. "Ginny, listen to me! It's Harry! You have to fight him!"

"She cannot hear you, Potter!" the voice taunted with a very familiar high-pitched laugh. A laugh Harry had heard many times in his nightmares.

Ginny started to try wrestling out of his grasp, but something in Harry was telling him not to let go. For some reason, Harry's mind remembered that Ginny had a crush on him. Now that he was this close to her, he had to admit that she was cute and rather pretty. Her hair glistened in the torchlight making several shades of red shimmer over it. Red hair. Harry never realized how much he liked her hair. A thought sprang to Harry's mind that was sure to have Ron and the rest of her brothers angry at him, but it was the only thing Harry could think of that just might work.

Harry leaned in, pulling Ginny closer. The look of shock on her face was offset by the tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. Harry took a hurried deep breath and kissed her.

Suddenly, they were surrounded by a bright white light. Their heads were thrown back as a black mist shot out of Ginny's mouth and one out of Harry's scar. They didn't realize they were floating a meter off the floor until they landed heavily, still clutching each other's arms.

"Harry?" Ginny asked through tears as she looked up at him. "I'm sorry. It was me. I set the basilisk loose…"

"Basilisk?" shouted McGonagall.

"Slytherin's monster, Professor," Ginny started sobbing. Harry did the only thing he could think of, he pulled her into a hug holding her close to try comforting her.

"Minerva, perhaps we should give Mr. Potter a few minutes to calm Miss Weasley," suggested Dumbledore. He waved his wand conjuring a small sofa for the young couple. He spoke quietly to Harry. "Mr. Potter, please sit here while we ferry you and Miss Weasley to the Hospital Wing."

Harry nodded as he guided Ginny onto the sofa while she was sobbing on his shoulder.

"Harry?" Ginny whispered. "How did you break Tom's hold on me?"

"Oh…um…I…uh…" Harry stuttered. "I…er…kissed you."

"You…" Ginny looked up, shocked.

"I just realized how pretty you were, and…" Harry mumbled. "It was the only thing I could think of to save you…I…"

"Thank you," Ginny smiled as she kissed him lightly.

"You're…you're not mad?" Harry asked, confused.

"No," Ginny smiled smugly. "We have to start somewhere."

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