Immortal Love Rodd

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This story takes place in The Order of The Phoenix.

"Names have power," Professor Trelawney declared in her best mystical voice. She glided around the stifling room as she went on, "Only those that know your true name can wield power over you."

Harry and Ron were sitting in the Divination classroom trying desperately to stay awake. They had been in the warm and heavily perfumed room for over an hour and wanted nothing more than to be able to head down to the Great Hall for lunch. At these words, however, Harry sat up straight. He nudged Ron, who grunted, and jerked his head towards the professor. Harry's meaning was clear - he wanted Ron to listen to what she was saying. Ron shot him a curious look, but sat up too and began to pay attention.

"In many Transfiguration spells, for example, you must know the subject's complete given name for them to work properly. This does not concern us, however. What we are interested in are the letters that make up one's name. When one rearranges the letters of one's name, the words created provide an insight into the future." She blinked and peered down at Parvati. "What's your full name, dear?" she asked.

"Parvati Shyla Patil," said Parvati. "That's Shyla with a Y."

"How lovely," murmured Professor Trelawney as she spelled it in the air with her wand. This reminded Harry of something, but he couldn't place it at the moment.

When Trelawney gave a little flick, the letters rearranged themselves to read, "Apathy April Vitals."

"How interesting. This indicates that you do not care for the springtime when the earth renews itself and living things begin to grow once more. Instead you pine for quiet days of autumn when the world drifts into slumber."

Parvati stared at her with wide, round eyes. "Professor, that's true! I never thought about it before, but that's completely true!"

Trelawney gave another little flick and the letters rearranged themselves again, this time to spell "Travail Happy Tails." Harry sniggered, thinking of the old western shows that Dudley used to watch on television. "Try to decipher this one on your own, dear," suggested Professor Trelawney.

Parvati concentrated. "Well," she said, "travail means to work hard, right?"

Professor Trelawney nodded.

"So, if I work hard, I will be happy. Hmmm. Tails… Oh, I've got it! If I work hard with animals then I will be happy! I need to find a job where I can work with animals!"

"Excellent, my dear. Ten points to Gryffindor."

Parvati beamed.

"Do mine, Professor. Please!" begged Lavender suddenly.

"Actually, I would like you all to pair up and work on your partner's names for homework. I will need a list of at least ten name combinations followed by your interpretations of their meanings. You can use proper names and even create new ones, but they must be accompanied by an interpretation."

That evening, in the Gryffindor common room, Ron turned towards Harry who was staring out the window with an odd look on his face. "You all right, mate?" Ron asked.

Harry looked back, mentally shaking himself. "Yeah, just thinking…" he said. "What do you make of the Divination assignment?"

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