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This wasn't supposed to happen.

The taller Saiyan gripped onto the smaller body and he felt himself shake. This wasn't supposed to happen. Short, ragged, weak breathing came from the body below him, as he watched the prince's eyes flicker, death once again taking him back.

The younger male didn't bother to wipe his tears off his cheeks, not when the one person who was important to him was leaving. No, this wasn't fair. It wasn't fair at all. He didn't care if death took his friends. He didn't care if the Earth was lost once again. He didn't care if he lived or died anymore.

All Goku wanted was for Vegeta to not die. He couldn't save him before, and he'd be damned if he let the chance to save him again slip from his grasp once more. The warrior came back to his senses when he felt someone gently touch his face. Light, like a feather, but still enough to make him look down at the prince.

Vegeta couldn't help but smile weakly as his eyes returned to him once more. He could hear the distant shouting of hooray's from the human savior and that "nice Buu" that helped them win this fight. He was surprised Kakarot wasn't celebrating with them, but he didn't mind. After all, nothing was better than to die in the arms of someone of his race. "The last of our kind . . ." He mumbled before coughing up blood.

"H-hey now, why don't you relax, huh 'geta?" Goku's voice shook while he saw the blood rise from his throat and down his chin. "The supreme Kai's are on their way, th-they can help us!" An uneasy smile rose to his face as he looked up. "We can just ask the dragon balls to heal you, a-and use the senzu beans to heal whatever left wasn't healed! Yeah, yeah we can do that, a-and then-"

"Kakarot . . ." Vegeta whispered.

"And then you can spar once again! See who's the strongest between us, like old times! W-we can finally have that fight you wanted so badly wh-when I returned. Remember that? W-we can still have our fight-"

"Kakarot." he spoke louder, wincing.

"A-and after that, we can- we can- we can eat together, w-we can hang out together, we can push b-beyond our limits, just like old times-!"

"Kakarot!" The prince covered his mouth as more blood arose and spilled, tainting his clothes an even darker red. Goku stopped blabbering and looked down, tears welling up in his eyes again. He didn't want this to end. Not so soon. Not when he finally returned to the land of the living.

"I know you're upset but-" He shook a shaky breath and smiled weakly at the taller Saiyan. "We knew this would happen. I knew this would happen. So calm down . . ." He swallowed the thick red liquid before it came out again. "The others won't make it in time, and the senzu beans won't do a damn thing."

"Vegeta-" He held the smaller Saiyan's body closer to him as tiny waterfalls fell from his eyes. This wasn't supposed to happen. This wasn't fair. Not fair at all. He choked out a sob as he felt the prince's arms wrap around his large waist, his deep breaths unstable and fragile.

"Come now, Kakarot . . . I'm not disappointed how this turned out." He whispered. "The job was to save Earth, save our families and those ridiculous humans you like so much,-" Goku chuckled at those words as more tears fell. "-someone had to die at the end. You should be glad it wasn't you."

"I'd rather it'd be me than you." The male replied, his voice still wobbly.

A slow shake on his chest knew that Vegeta was disapproving of his idea. "If you died, then there wouldn't be a hero to save the people once more . . . isn't that what you are to them? Even if they don't see it? A hero?" The prince winced as he sat up and looked at the other's onyx eyes.

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