Chapter 15: An Old Face Not Yet Forgotten

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Note: I do not know how college life works, so don't judge.


Quiet, pattering feet trampled across the red carpet, the mat rolling endlessly across the hallway. Vegeta could feel himself grow uneasy at the sight of the door at the end, the maple oak doors gleaming in the soft light. He found it strangely familiar and beautiful to look at, but he knew something was behind that door that didn't belong here.

Silently, he huffed for being so short and stared at the polished wood. This was new to him- he knew he was born shorter than most boys, but this was a bit much. Was he a child this time? It would explain why he suddenly couldn't reach the doorknob with ease.

Growing impatient, Vegeta pressed his ear against the door and listened carefully. He could hear hushed voices going back and forth, occasionally getting louder before quieting down. One sounded familiar to him, almost like his father's voice. But the other's . . .

Even though he had yet to see the people, he knew that that new voice was not a voice to trust. Something underneath that calm and formal tone hid death and danger. Something despicable and rotten remained at the edge of that voice, but always ready to jump forward. Vegeta shivered and tried to listen to the conversation.

"You've taken . . . soldiers, why . . . my son," His father's voice spoke clearly, a rare thing he found in dreams such as this. The other voice spoke again, but the boy could barely hear a word, as if it was trying to persuade the child to enter the room. He remained grounded, if not took a step back in fear and disgust. Hesitantly he listened again to hear his father yelling this time.

"He will . . . not with you! . . . keep him here until . . ." The voice spoke once more, silencing Vegeta's father. He couldn't hear the voice, no matter how close he got to the door. He wanted to open it, listen to every word they spoke, but he refused. The boy could not, and would not, turn the handle and walk in. Soon it returned to hushed voices, and this time the child did not want to stay any longer.

He began to turn around, when he saw the maple oak woods open their doors, to reveal what Vegeta deemed to be a throne room. Standing on one side, he could see a man wearing a red cape and something underneath white and yellow blotches, something tight and blue. Damn the blurry bodies and faces. He turned to see the other being and froze.

This person, he could see clearly. They looked purple, with many areas of its body stained with white or yellow. A tail, similar to a lizard's, swayed slowly side to side behind it. Two black and pointy horns adorned the sides of it's heads, with matching piercing eyes watching the child's every move once the doors opened. Beside the thing was some sort of floating egg. Vegeta couldn't help but be confused once more- did that ugly thing just hatch from the egg?

He didn't move when the thing walked closer to him, using it's hand to lift the boy's chin up and look over his features. He heard it chuckle before releasing him. "Yes, I do believe he will do quite nicely amongst my men."

Men? Vegeta thought as he watched the lizard keep it's nasty eyes on him. What men? I'm a fucking boy you twit! Are you stupid?! What the hell would I be doing with a bunch of men at my damn age?! He heard it chuckle once more, as if it heard his thoughts. It only angered the smaller male more inside. What's so funny? Listen here you son of a-

A loud screech awoke the smaller male, making him jolt and sit up on the small bed he was on. A throbbing headache appeared shortly after, and he nearly fell off the bed before he could try to lay back down. His companion, on the other hand, had fallen off the mattress at the noise and was trying to shoo the disturbance away.

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