Chapter 9: A New Nightmare Born

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Note: I do not know how college life works, so don't judge.


When Goku woke up, he realized he was alone in the room, his roommate's bed unkempt. He could smell something sweet, so he assumed Vegeta was in the kitchen. It had been five days since he was told to plan a date, and he hasn't given the smaller male an idea of where he would take them. It wasn't that he didn't know what to plan, he figured that part out already; he just wanted to look mysterious to the smaller male. Slowly, Goku got up and stretched, before slipping off the bed and outside the room.

Vegeta watched from the sofa as the taller male trudged towards the kitchen, following his stomach like every other time. The flame-haired boy shuddered at the thought of food and tried to distract himself with the homework he was given yesterday. He was in no mood to feel sick right now, especially after that nightmare.

Vegeta still has many dreams, yes, each one being peaceful or fun to remember. But last night made him remember that dreams were not the only things he saw when he was asleep. This time, the stranger in orange wasn't there, but two strangers by his side. He barked out orders to them, and they complied without fail. He could hear what he was saying, what he was forcing upon the strange looking people in front of them.

"Kill them all! We have no need for weak beings who will only act as fools!" He sounded proud, confident, and damn right evil. What made him feel worse was how welcoming that feeling was to him, evil. "They had the chance to surrender and work for us, but they chose to resist! There's no need to keep the planet either, we have no need to conquer a ball of mud with no resources!"

He heard himself laugh when a few people approached him and begged for their lives, none of them looking distinctly like humans. He felt himself raise a hand at them and kill every one of those beings with a single blast. By some miracle, Vegeta managed to wake himself up from that nightmare, around 2 in the morning.

The smaller male didn't dare go back to sleep, in fear he'd return to that ruthless dream of murder and destruction. Carefully, he got off his bed and snuck into the kitchen, immediately thinking of ways he could distract himself from it.

He always found baking an odd way to spend time, even though he was no good at it. Vegeta cared less of it at that moment; if he could bake to distract himself, he'd do it. And for 2 hours, he spent his time making different goods, slowly filling up the room with an odd, sweet and spicy scent that calmed the flame-haired boy.

By the time the counters were filled with flour and messy ingredients, and different strange-looking treats lined across the table, the sun had begun to peak above their window, watching Vegeta with dull interest. The smaller male decided by then to busy himself with homework he didn't finish already, but when he prepared himself to begin, he couldn't when those thoughts came back.

Vegeta felt a kiss on his forehead and looked up to see Goku smiling at him sleepily. "Hey, you okay?" He heard him mumble. Not quite trusting his mouth yet, he nodded. "You sure? You made a lot of food today, and you don't like going into the kitchen."

"I'm fine, Kakarot." He put his work down and properly looked at his . . . lover. It felt weird calling him his boyfriend, almost foreign to his tongue. Maybe because he was never in such a relationship like this? He couldn't tell. "What are you doing, waking up so early? It's only 11:30, you don't wake up until the alarm goes off."

Goku grinned and chuckled. "Maybe the cupcakes woke me up. They tasted pretty good!" He glanced at the sheet of equations and graphs. "What are you doing?"

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