Chapter 1: A psychopath's dream

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Aaaaand we're back!

Note: I've never been to college. I'm just using my imagination here, so do correct if I say something wrong. Enjoy!


The sound of blaring ringing awoke the boy from his dream, as he clenched to his covers, cold sweat dripping down his neck. God it felt so real, almost as if it wasn't just a dream. He shuddered and sat up, rubbing his arms thoroughly, a weird habit he's had since he was a child. He always felt cold.

The raven-haired boy glanced at his clock and swore loudly. He was supposed to wake up 30 minutes ago, what good did this damn clock do if he still woke up late? Vegeta threw the covers off of him and ran to his closet to grab a pair of clothes before dashing into the bathroom to get ready.

This wasn't the first time he's had such a dream like that. A dream where he was someone, and he was hugged by someone, hushed voices going back and forth, before he faded. Sometimes he was bleeding, sometimes he was laying down with someone, sometimes he was standing with someone. Every time he dreamt of these moments, this "someone" was always wearing orange.

An orange shirt? An orange tank top? He didn't know, but the color looked so comforting to stare at. He brushed his teeth furiously as he checked his watch. He needed to hurry up if he wanted to make it to the first day of orientation week.

Even though he couldn't never hear the stranger's voice until the dream, it sounded so shaken, so scared. When he finally heard his voice, his breath hitched. "I love you, you know that . . . ?" God, he felt like a schoolgirl thinking about a crush.

He grabbed his keys and slung his bag on his shoulder, not bothering to say his goodbyes to his parents since they barely acknowledged his presence anyways. He jumped into a silver Mercedes-Benz and sped off to his college, Shenron Wish college, to find out what his schedule and dorm room would be. He didn't care if he got a ticket- wait, no he did. He needed to drive even after moving into the dorms. He slowed down his speed a bit. Damn, this sucked.

He heard his phone ring and he cursed. He barely glanced at the caller as he zoomed past the gates, slowing down as he made his way to the parking lots. Tarble, of course that little annoyance had to call now. He put the phone on speaker and continued looking for a parking spot.

"Yeah what is it now?" He growled as he continued to find endless rows and rows of cars. His grip on the wheel tightened. If he had to drive over one of these vehicles for a spot, he wouldn't hesitate at the first chance.

"Hey um, Mom's asking for you, said she didn't see you this morning-" His younger brother spoke, sweet innocence laced in his voice. He clicked his tongue and drove quickly into the closest parking slot he found.

"That woman never notices me every morning. Don't tell me that's why you called-." He looked at the time before turning off his car. "-10 minutes before orientation starts."

"Uh, yeah no, no that's not what I called you for." Vegeta turned off the speaker and grabbed his bag, rushing off into the massive building. The only sounds the raven-head could hear were the sharp squeaks on the marble tile from his shoes as he ran, and the faint, distant chatter of students in the gym.

"Then? Hurry up, I don't have time-!" He bursted through the doors, and looked around him, catching the eyes of few before they went back to their conversations. He grabbed his phone before it fell from his shoulder and calmly walked into the crowd, as if he hadn't run a marathon to get here.

"My bag. It's not at the entrance like it always is," His little brother squeaked. He sighed and was about to argue with him until Tarble spoke again. "Your bag is here, but mine isn't."

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