Chapter 16: Chaos in the Morning

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Art belongs to Lem0uro on Tumblr. If the artist doesn't want their work posted, message me so I can take it down.

Note: I do not know how college life works, so don't judge.


That morning was no different for Gine when she woke up. The sound of the family rooster, Nimbus, was cawing in her son's room at the crack of dawn. No one knew how that bird managed to get in the house. Even after she would lock him up in the coop at night, she always found him strutting in the hallway in the morning.

She sat up and yawned, prying herself from her husband's hands that held her to the mattress. She smiled at the man beside him, snoring without a care in the world. The woman slowly sifted her hands through Bardock's hair, giggling when he grumbled about something and turning over. Yes, her husband could be a fool at times, but in the end he gave her every reason to love him.

She stopped when she heard familiar clucking at her door. Gine looked at the door to see the rooster shaking his head as he stepped into the room, looking for food no doubt. She picked up the male hen and got off the bed, quickly walking out before the bird started screeching at awaking her man.

"Now, when do you plan on telling me how you keep getting inside?" She whispered as she thought of different things to make for breakfast. Many things needed to be done today, a big breakfast would do them both good for a few hours. Perhaps a few eggs and bacon strips, toast and jam, what else could they eat?

Gine's thoughts were interrupted when she saw her youngest walk out of his room. Goku looked at her and froze, panic slowly growing on his face. The woman slowly placed Nimbus down and looked at her son, a small smile dancing on her lips.

"Uh, hey mom . . ." Goku laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head, a habit passed down by his father. "What are you doing here?"

"I live here." Gine chuckled and walked up to the tall male. Even after he reached adulthood and started living his own life, he was always her little boy. She tried to peek inside his room, barely noticing a tuft of black hair before her son stood in front of her, an anxious smile on his face. "What are you doing, Kakarot?"

"Nothing!" Goku's eyes darted behind him, hoping his lover didn't wake up and show himself. He knew Vegeta was never a fan at the idea of revealing their relationship publicly, and the thought of his parents disapproving of his own lovelife suddenly made him not like the idea either.

"I'm really hungry, aren't you?" Gine raised an eyebrow, curiosity filling her mind. Her son was never one to hide things, regardless if they were nice or bad. She tried to speak up but Goku started talking again. "Why don't I help you in the kitchen today, hm? I bet we can make so much food for the three of us to eat!" He grabbed his mother's shoulders and pushed her away from the door towards the stairs. "I can help you on the farm too! I finished my homework yesterday so I'm free all day!"

The woman frowned and turned around quickly, scaring her son. "Kakarot." She crossed her arms and glared at the boy, who fidgeted under her gaze. "What's going on?"

"Nothing, I swear!" He tried to look at anything but her eyes. The small strip of wallpaper that chipped in the corner of the hallway looked very interesting to stare at at the moment.

"Kakarot Son." Goku flinched and slowly trailed his eyes to his mother. "You will be honest with me or so be it I will make your life hell." He gulped and looked down. He heard his mother sigh and saw her feet in his vision. "I'm not upset, I'm just . . . worried. Is it something bad that you can't tell me?"

"Sort of . . ." He mumbled, and played with his fingers. Gine bit the inside of cheek and contemplated what to do. Her son must have had a good reason to hide something from her, and she never judged his choices before. She decided not to pry yet.

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