#12 : I might steal your precious eyeliner.

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Chapter Twelve: "I might steal your precious eyeliner."

THE DOOR BELL RUNG, making Rosé place the towel she was using to dry her on the chair before walking up to open the door. She swung open the door to reveal Taehyung beaming at her.

"Morning oppa"

"Morning princess, did you see Jungkook? He said, he's going out with you but didn't come back" he said, worried about the maknae.

"Why don't you come and see for yourself" she smiled, running her hand through her damp hair while stepping aside to let him in.

Taehyung curiously stepped in already guessing what he was going to find. And he found his hunch to be true as he saw Jungkook sleeping on his stomach on the bed. He sighed, knowing well enough how Jungkook is when he's drunk.

"I'm sorry Chae he-"

"It's fine oppa, it was actually quite funny" she replied, both of them chuckling at his expense as she recited the events of the previous night.

"Well, I need to head out but you can let him sleep oppa," she said, placing hangover pills and a glass of water by his bedside table. "I ordered a bowl of clear chicken soup for his hangover, it's in the kitchen. You can heat it up for him when he wakes up"

"You won't mind me in your room, especially when you're not here?" Taehyung asked, his eyebrows shooting up.

"Why would I?"

"I don't know, I might kill him in his sleep and push the blame on you since he is in your room or I might steal your precious eyeliner"

"Haha. You're funny" she said, not sounding humoured at all. "Well, if you do, I might haunt you in your sleep, especially if you stole my eyeliner so tread lightly" she joked, making him laugh.

"But seriously though? You won't mind?" he asked again. It felt a little invasive to be in a girl's room especially when she was out.

"Don't worry oppa, besides it's better if you stay here. He might freak out when he wakes up in an unfamiliar room." She gave him a hug and exited her room, closing the door behind her, off to her hang out with Jennie and Lisa. Poor Jisoo was away for her shoot.


"Gosh, I am so tired" Lisa stretched as the three girls neared Rosé's room, planning to have a drink together.

"Then go and sleep, I'll have some precious time with my hubby" Jennie replied, hugging Rosé's waist as they walked.

"NO WAY! She's my girlfriend" Lisa pulled on Rosé's arm. Rosé sighed, putting an arm each around the shorter girls as she dragged them towards the suite. These girls were going to make people think they were in a polygamous relationship when in reality all of them were straight.

"Lisa keep it down, will you? We don't want anyone to hear" Rosé shushed the maknae, not wanting to create more dating rumours for herself.

Rosé successfully got them in her room where they immediately trudged in, wanting to relax their tired legs. She placed her bag on the dresser as she switched her heels to a pair of fluffy pink bedroom slippers.

Lisa dropped onto the bed, face-down on the pillow as she kicked off her flip flops when Rosé shouted at her for lying on the bed with her dirty footwear. Jennie slumped onto the couch when she noticed a blue fabric on the arm of the couch.

She picked it up and realised that it was a sweater but she did not remember Rosé ever wearing one before. Apart from photoshoots, Rosé did not even go near sweaters. When asked she had said, "If you're cold, wear a jacket. How does it make sense to wear a shirt over another?"

"Rosie? Whose is this?" Jennie asked, lifting up the garment.

Rosé's eyes widened as she saw the sweater Jennie was holding. Jungkook's sweater! He must have forgotten it when he left.

"I bought it yesterday" Rosé lied so smoothly that no one would be able to question it's credibility except for the fact that the sweater was way too big too fit Rosé's lean frame.

"Dude no offence, but even if you wanted an oversized sweater, assuming you wanted a sweater in the first place that is, it's still way too huge" Lisa countered, narrowing her eyes at the vocalist.

"Fine, it is Jungkook's" Rosé admitted, closing her eyes to brace herself for their over dramatic reactions and she was right when the two rappers collectively screamed "WHAT"

"OH MY GOD ROSEANNE PARK! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS DID THAT SO FAST" Lisa screamed, automatically assuming what had happened the previous night but could you blame her?

A man and woman in one room at night, both being the other's ideal types and the man had taken off his clothes. It pointed to that assumption a bit too nicely for Rosé's liking.

"NO gosh Lili, no we did not do anything" Rosé said exasperated and Jennie and Lisa's face showed signs of calming down as she explained.

"That's all it is" Rosé finished, lying down on Jennie's lap and putting up her feet on Lisa's as they sat on the bed. Jennie had shifted from the couch to the bed as Rosé was explaining.

"Why did he drink so much though?" Jennie asked.

"I introduced him to the combination of beer and kimchi and he got attached to it"

"Woah, that man likes your weird food combinations? Girl, marry him" Lisa said, almost spilling the beverage in her hands in excitement.

"You want me to marry a guy because he like my food combinations?" Rosé laughed.

"YES! Where else are you going to find a man as weird as you?" Lisa asked as a matter-of-factly.

"He's not weird... and neither am I" Rosé defended, lightly kicking Lisa's knee as she sat up.

"Yea you're not weird-"

"And Jennie's not hot" Jennie cut in. "Sorry Rosie but you really are weird, but in a good way"

"Wow, I feel loved" Rosé rolled her eyes, sarcasm dripping in her voice as the other two girls laughed.

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