#56: Incest.

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Chapter Fifty-Six: "Incest."

"Jungkook, can you turn on the lights?" Rosé called as they entered the dark room.

"I don't have to, you're the only light I need in my life." He answered. He really spoilt her with compliments and pick up lines.

"That's amazingly sweet but I literally just ran into the wall so please turn on the lights." Jungkook winced at the mention of her bumping against the wall and immediately located the switch to brighten up the room.

"You alright?" He swiftly walked over to her.

She nodded. "Yea, I just hit my elbow a little hard."


How did she hurt her elbow out of all places while running into the wall face first?

"I don't know actually," She replied. "But it doesn't hurt much so it's fine."

"Alright." He said, rubbing his thumb on her elbow just to make sure. "You ready? We need to go."

"Yea I'm done. How do I look?" She asked. He rotated his finger, asking her to twirl and she did. The purple flowy dress that came above her knees spread beautifully as she spun.

"You're gorgeous. Like always." He kissed her cheek. "Let's go. My members are in the van."

The couple had arrived in Korea three days ago and the BTS members were taking Rosé and Jungkook out for dinner as a treat as both their families had approved of their relationship. It was like a congratulations gift according to Taehyung. Rosé did not understand it but she had learnt not to question his thoughts. She strongly suspected he just came up with the weird excuse just so they could all go out together so she let them sponsor her and her boyfriend. Who was she to say no to free food?

"Rosieee! I missed you!" Jimin's familiar high-pitched voice sounded as soon as the door of the van opened.

Rosé laughed, greeting each of them before settling beside Yoongi with Jungkook on her other side. The ride to the restaurant was short and they soon reached the area.

"After you," Jimin opened the door and bowed as though he was from the B.C.

"No, after you." Taehyung copied him.

"I said after you," Jimin repeated.

Jungkook put a stop to their silly banter and pushed both of them to either side. "Both of you shut up." He made way at the centre and pointed to Rosé. "After her."

Rosé laughed a little at the BTS maknae line before entering the venue with Namjoon by her side who literally dragged her inside by her arm so as to minimise the time they spent in the open so as to not be recognised. When Taehyung was about to follow Namjoon, Rosé and Jungkook inside, Jin pushed him aside again. "WWH first."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "I won most handsome man of the world." He said, walking beside Jin.

"I won the best sculpted face award." Jin retorted.

"Both of you please shut up." Yoongi said from behind, tired of their stupid argument, while Hobi was just laughing beside him, watching all the banter. Their group really could not go without bickering for even a minute. The group finally settled down in the private room that they had reserved to be away from the public's eyes. They collectively removed their masks and some of them their hats and started looking through the menu.

"Hey I have an idea," Jungkook said to Rosé.

"If it is anything like your idea to cook rice in your tummy by eating raw rice and drinking boiling water, I don't want to hear it." She replied without looking up from the menu in hand.

"Hey! That was a improvised idea," he argued.

"Whatever floats your titanic babe." She said, amused.

"The titanic sank though," he frowned.

"Just like your IQ when you came up with that idea." She replied and the table burst into laughter.

"Meanie." He pouted but grinned when she pressed a kiss to his pout.

"Whipped." Hobi raised an eyebrow with a wide grin on his face.

"Oh my god!" Jimin exclaimed as though he just had an horrible revelation.

"What?" Namjoon asked.

Jimin look at them with worry in his eyes as he spoke. "Since Jungkook is like my brother and I call Rosé my sister, does that mean, they're siblings dating each other?"

The moment Jimin's stupid theory was out, sounds of annoyance and disagreement could be heard. While Jin was rapping in full speed, telling Jimin off, Taehyung blurted out, "Oh my gosh! This is incest!"

Yoongi slapped a hand to Taehyung's mouth. "Never ever say that aloud to anyone!"

"What the hell is a wrong with our maknaes?" Namjoon was going insane. First was Jungkook's stupid idea to kill himself by drinking boiling water to cook raw rice in his stomach and now was Jimin and Taehyung's theory that Jungkook and Rosé's relationship was incest.

"Okay let's all calm down!" Rosé said loudly, ceasing the chatter at the table. "This conversation never happened okay?"

"But-" Jimin intercepted but Rosé stood her ground.

"I did not stutter Park Jimin." She said with a pointed look at him. "Oppa you better not say anything before I pour my glass of iced lemon tea on you."

"Yes ma'am." He zipped his mouth while the rest chuckled at her empty threat. That girl was too forgiving for that. You could ruin her life permanently and she will still choose to forgive you.

"Jin Hyung?" Taehyung called, catching the entire group's attention while they ate. "I'm going to ask you a question and you must answer honestly."

"Go on." Jin said, his voice muffled by a huge mouthful of food. Namjoon made a face at that but did not say anything.

"Would you rather stab Jungkook or-"

"Stab Jungkook." Jin cut him off.

"But I haven't even finished the question," Taehyung interjected.

"Doesn't matter. I'd stab Jungkook." Jin said simply and continued eating as though he had just stated the weather.

"I'm feeling a bit unsafe, not gonna lie." Jungkook said after a beat of silence. "Maybe I should tell the agency to put me under extra protection due to increased death threats." This made the rest chuckle while Jin made a funny face at Jungkook to which Jungkook sent him a weird face in return. They were real dorks.

Jimin doubled over with laughter and almost fell of the chair when Taehyung caught him, holding him there before he touched the floor. "What will I do without you?" Jimin asked Taehyung dramatically, making the others roll their eyes.

"Let's see," and before he knew it, Jimin was dropped to floor by a very giggly Taehyung. Jimin groaned, getting up. He glared at Taehyung and flipped him off, causing Jin to scold him.

"You free tomorrow?" Rosé asked Jungkook, ignoring the soulmate argument between Vmin.

"Yea, why?" he asked with a mouthful of food.

Rosé swiped her thumb over the corner of his mouth, wiping the cheese that was smeared into his rosy lip, as she spoke. "I want to go to the park. I feel like I haven't been getting enough sunlight. Or water."

Jungkook gave her a funny look. "Am I dating a houseplant?"

OMG This story reached #1 for Rosèkook! Thank you so much🤩🤩🤩 Love you guys so much and I promise to give you my best till the end of the story 💪🏻 LOVE YOU GUYS❤️❤️❤️❤️

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