#54: Sweet boy.

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Chapter Fifty-Four: "Sweet boy."

"Gosh this is nerve-wrecking."

"Jungkook, calm down."

Rosé and Jungkook had just landed in Australia and the staff was leading them through the private exit. If you're asking why they were in Australia, to meet Rosé's family.

When the news of their relationship was broken to their agencies, Bang Pd expectedly proved to be a lot more easier to handle than YG. However, in the end, both agencies promised them to give the couple their support much to their relief. In light of that, the couple was given two weeks off so that they could settle Rosé's family.

"Calm down Jungkook. It's going to be fine. Besides it's the driver who's picking us up so you have time to think about how you're going to make your first impression," Rosé said.

Rosé's parents were business people, jointly owning the Park Industries which would be passed on to her and her sister in the future, probably when Rosé and Alice were finally ready to take over admist their already busy schedules. Alice was a renown defence lawyer, having a 80% success rate in her cases. That made her life busy and succesful.

"What if they don't like me? I mean they're all westernised and very open people and I'm a little conservative and shy," He rambled.

"Jungkook, that's not going to a problem. They won't judge you for being yourself. They're nice people," she assured him as they settled in the back seat of the Jaguar I-Pace.

"You're going to be fine," she finished with a note of finality in her voice. He nodded, exhaling before leaning his head against her shoulder and closing his eyes to relieve the jet lagged feeling a bit.


"Come on," She said, grabbing his hand before stepping out of the car, in front of the Park Mansion.

"Woah, you guys live in a castle?" He exclaimed, looking at the modern exterior of the mansion.

"Technically my parents and sister live there not me but yea this is our house, not a castle." She replied.

"You kidding me? It's huge! Its definitely a castle."

"Just call it a really big house," She objected.

"No it's a castle," He said adamantly.

Rosé sighed. He can be like a child sometimes. "Fine, it's a castle. Happy?"


She shook her head, smiling to herself. "You're speaking like you don't have the money to get such a house. It's only slightly bigger than our penthouse back in Korea." She said as they walked up the stairs to the main door.

"Slightly? It's bigger by a lot. Maybe we should move in here after our career in the industry is over." He suggested. "You can focus on your company with your sister and I can lounge here all day."

"Sure, you do that." She laughed before entering the passcode. The door unlocked and she swung it open. "Come in." Jungkook followed her inside, gazing at the interior. It was a mix of white, grey and black. Seemed like the Park family wasn't vibrant with their colours.

"Rosie!" a voice sounded and a brunette dashed into Rosé's lean body. Alice Park.

"Hey Alice!" She greeted back, hugging her sister back just as tight. The sisters missed each other a lot.

"This is Jungkook, my boyfriend." Rosé gestured to Jungkook when they pulled apart. "Also don't act so surprised, I already told you about him on the phone." She added, knowing her sister's overdramatic behaviour.

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