Bonus [2]: The Proposal.

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Bonus Chapter Two: "The Proposal."

"Album of The Year goes to..." The MC paused dramatically and before announcing the winner.

"A Love Like Ours by Rosé and Jungkook!"

The crowd erupted into applause as Korea's Power Couple walked up to the stage with big smiles on their faces. They had dragged their bandmates together with them as well so the nine of them trailed behind them for moral

Rosé held onto his elbow as they made their way to the centre and collected the trophy. After her thank you speech, she passed the mic on to Jungkook so that he could speak.

"First of all, Chae, thank you for doing this with me. Army and Blinks, thank you so much for your constant support of our music for our bands as well as the two of us." He started off and then proceeded to thank their bandmates.

"Hyungs and Noonas," He started but got cut off when Lisa jabbed a finger into his bicep and then pointed it to herself. "and Lisa." He rolled his eyes while she grinned in victory." This made everyone laugh a little before listening to him again.

"Thank you for your love and support throughout this period as well. Also, our agencies and producers have been our greatest form of guidance and thank you for allowing us to make this possible."

Just as everyone thought that it was the end, Jungkook continued. "I want to say something to my girlfriend." At the word girlfriend, excitement rose as Jungkook turned to face her who looked at him questioningly.

"Marry me."

Rosé did a double take, astonished. That was certainly not what she expected. Before either of them could speak a word, Jin spoke.


This was followed by a couple of slap sounds, probably by Namjoon and Yoongi, which resulted in his dramatic high pitched scream.

"Jin hyung please be quiet" Jungkook pleaded but it was too late. The mic had picked it up but despite that, no one had really paid attention. The venue was in chaos as soon as those words left his mouth. Fans were screaming and idols were shocked as they nudged one another, taking in hushed tones.

Jungkook slowly got down on his knee, not breaking the eye contact with Rosé. Just as he did, everyone shushed each other and the venue was silent, wanting to listen to his proposal speech.

"Rosie, I know this is sudden, but I don't want to let go of this opportunity to show the world that you're the only girl in my life.

From being someone I admired as an artist, to a junior I was shipped with, to a friend I could lean on and now you're the love of my life.

You told me once you'd choose me over and over again no matter how many chances you are given. Now let me tell you, I won't even have to choose you because you're the only one I will be able to see.

I don't care if there are other girls. For me, it's either you or you. You are not, have never been, and will never be, an option in my life. You are my priority.

I dragged you through so many rough patches that I often thought about letting you go because I didn't want to hurt you; because I didn't deserve you.

But the mere thought of another man with you made me want to break that imaginary guy in half. I don't know if I still deserve you, but I will sure as hell do my best to become a man deserving of you.

Rosie, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever come across in my life, not that I came across many, but still I know no matter how many people I meet in life, they would never compare to you.

There can't be a better person in the world, because you're here, right with me. There's no one I respect and love more than you.

I want to be the man who will wipe your tears, the man who makes your heart flutter, the man that you will obsess over and most importantly, the man that you love.

Rosé, I love you so much it hurts, it hurts to be away from you. You complete me sweetheart. You're my everything Rosie, you're my universe.

Roseanne Park, will you marry me?"

Rosé was speechless. The entire crowd watched in silence, some even moved to tears by Jungkook's heartfelt speech.

Rosé could not believe that the man who once struggled to speak to her without blushing and stammering, now delivered an entire speech, a proposal, just for her.

She was going to answer him when Jungkook spoke again.

"I'll buy you food if you say yes, so don't think too much" he bribed, making everyone burst into laughter. Rosé laughed, a single tear falling from her eye as she nodded.

"I will, Jeon Jungkook I'll marry you" she whispered softly but it was loud enough for her man to hear who grinned after hearing her positive answer.

He opened a small blue box and there lay a beautiful ring on the velvet material. He slipped it onto her finger, his own tears falling as he stood up.

Rosé wanted to admire the ring but that had to wait as Jungkook and pulled her into a kiss, in front of everyone. Rosé was a little shy at first but then she decided, Fuck it, and kissed him back, not caring about their audience in the slightest.

"I love you so much" he whispered against her lips.

"I love you too"

Applause resounded the event hall as congratulations wafted through the air. Rosé then took the time to look at the ring that adorned her finger.

It was a shiny platinum ring, three quarters of it lined with diamonds except the middle part where there was a sound wave engraved in it.

"Jungkook, where is this from?" she asked, as the BTS and Blackpink members surrounded them to congratulate them.

"You sure you want to know?" he asked.

"Duh" she deadpanned, making them laugh.

"Well I'm not going to tell you" he teased, making her smack him on the arm.

"Ow! Geez woman, that hurts!"

"Then give me an answer"

Jungkook sighed, circling his arms around her waist and pulling her closer to him before replying her.

"Fine, you know on the day of my birthday? You said I deserved a compliment and called me hot, oh wait no, you called me hotter than hell for like the second time," Rosé narrowed her eyes as he continued, already knowing where he was going with that.

"This is the sound frequency of your voice as you said those words" he explained, a smirk making his way to his face as he watched Rosé's cheeks turn red.

"Gosh Jungkook" she said, hiding her face in the crook of his neck as Jungkook and her Oppas and unnies laughed at the story of the origin of the sound wave.

"Wait how did you record it?" Rosé asked, pulling back.

"I may not have recorded it but Suga Hyung was filming the entire thing. Lucky for me and unlucky for you, He managed to capture it clearly." Jungkook grinned while Rosé shot Yoongi a playful glare who raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Can we go home?" he asked suddenly, seriousness in his face showing that he wasn't joking around.

"What? Why?" Hobi asked, wondering what made him want to suddenly go home.

"I don't want to be here anymore, it's too crowded. I want to spend my day with Chae" he explained, making them tease the couple.

"You have your entire lives together. Just wait for a little kook" Namjoon persuaded the lovesick boy.

Jungkook huffed but agreed reluctantly.

"Let's go to our penthouse tonight," he whispered into Rosé's ears such that only she could hear him. She smiled at him, nodding. She missed the man too much to refuse.

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