Bonus [4]: Subin.

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Bonus Chapter Four: "Subin."

"Oh no, baby it's going to be okay." Jungkook whispered, holding Rosé's hand in between both of his as she lay on the hospital bed.

"Jungkook, I'm the one giving birth and even I'm not crying as hard as you." She joked through the pain in her abdomen.

Jungkook tried wiping the tears on his cheeks but fresh ones were readily flowing which mad the action useless. Call him emotional if you want but he couldn't bear to see her in the slightest pain. How could he watch her suffer one of the most painful moments possible.

"Okay, you're ready. One last time okay?" The gynaecologist announced. The labour had been going on for almost three hours but their uncooperative baby was being stubborn in her womb, not coming out.

"On the count of three, he will push your stomach." The nurse said.

"He? Who? Me?" Jungkook's asked, afraid of what they may ask him to do.

"Not you sir, me." A deep voice said. Jungkook looked at an older huge burly man who looked about forty. He looked like he could rip a person in half. He noticed Rosé's widened eyes upon looking at him while she gritted her teeth to contain the pain.

The man seemed to notice that too because he placed a hand on her arm, beside the nurse who was clamping Rosé's arm down to keep her from moving too much.

"Don't worry dear. It'll be quick." He said and set his hands on her baby bump from behind her bed.

"On the count of three, push. One, two, three!" The moment he said three, a painful scream left her mouth as his hands forced the baby out of her.

Her hand was literally crushing Jungkook's hand which she was holding as she tried her best to push.

Rosé felt her heart skip a beat when she felt a huge vacancy in her and relief settle in her. She dropped her head back, breathing hard and closing her eyes. The main struggle was over.

"Congratulations! It's a boy!" The doctor announced and Rosé felt herself smiling despite the pain when she heard the first cry of her son.

"Oh my god!" Jungkook watched wide-eyed as he saw his son covered in his mother's blood. "He's covered in blood!" Before he knew it, he fainted.


"Is he asleep?" Jungkook asked when Rosé walked in looking tired.

"Yes thankfully," she said tiredly. "Kids are so much work."

"Aw too bad I'm thinking of making another one," He said cheekily when she sat down on the bed next to him.

She scoffed. "Remember your state five years ago when Subin was born?"

"Hey! It was overwhelming okay? I don't do good with blood and looking at my son covered in blood is terrifying!" He defended.

"It's okay. Just say you were scared." She patted his chest.

He rolled his eyes before pulling her closer to him. "So what do you say? Shall we go for baby number two?" He kissed her neck.

"Is this because you want another kid or you just can't control your hormones?" She raised an eyebrow but didn't resist when his hand slipped under her shirt.

"Let's say both," he replied, swiftly removing her shirt. This time he kissed her right in the mouth, her hand cupping his cheek.

His hands slid over the stretch marks over her stomach that had appeared due to her pregnancy.

"Ugly isn't it?"

Jungkook shook his head but she didn't buy it. "Don't lie. It's ugly." She insisted.

Jungkook shook his head. "No, it's beautiful. You know why?" He asked softly. "Because it represents the suffering you went through to give us a beautiful son. It represents your strength. It's the scars that proves that our son, the symbol of our love, came from you."

"I love you." She whispered, attaching her lips to his. "Thank you for staying with me through all this."

"I'll stay with you forever even if you tell me to get lost because you're stuck with me forever." He replied when she pulled back.

"Well then, might as well go for baby two." She smiled when he grinned at her. However, before they could do anything, a knock sounded at the door.

Rosé's eyes widened as she scrambled to wear her shirt while Jungkook sighed heavily. After making sure she was dressed, she unlocked the door to see Subin standing in his pyjamas.

"What's wrong sweetie?" She picked him up.

"The thunder is scary. Can I sleep with you mommy?" He asked.

"Of course, come on." She brought him into her shared bedroom with Jungkook. Subin crawled into bed with his mother in the middle with his parents on either side of him.

"We're right here, sleep well okay?" Jungkook said and Subin nodded. He noticed his father wrapping an arm around Rosé, trapping him in between.

"Don't touch her! She's my mom!" He pushed his father's arm off.

Jungkook looked taken aback at the action and scoffed. "She's my wife buddy."

"I don't care! She's my mom so you can't touch her!" Subin said, wrapping his arm around Rosé's torso.

"If I can't touch her, you won't get any siblings sweetie," Jungkook said as a matter-of-fact, making Rosé nudge him in his stomach.

"Jungkook! He's a kid!" She scolded.

"What? Why? I want siblings!" Subin whined.

"Because..." Jungkook trailed off, not knowing what to say but luckily, Rosé came to the rescue.

"Because, if you have siblings, you must share mom and dad with them. If you can't share mom with daddy, then how will you manage having to share us with your siblings?"

"Ah yes. Correct!" Jungkook seconded her but she only glared at him for even opening up the subject in the first place.

But what can she say? Jungkook was like that and she loved him for it. He put them into comical situations which made life more colourful and happier. She wouldn't do anything to change his weird, dumb but smart brain.

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