#19: How about a pineapple?

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Chapter Nineteen: "How about a pineapple?"

JUNGKOOK BACKHUGGED HIS girlfriend, inhaling her fruity scent. "Hey sweetheart."

"Heyy!" she greeted back, turning around to hug him properly.

The couple were at the Han River, with their signature bucket hats and black masks used as disguises to hide their faces from the public. It had been almost three months since they started dating and their last meet was around a months ago. Their idol life was really ruining dating life.

"Did you know you smell like green apples?" He asked, pulling back from the hug.

"What? Do I really?" she asked, her mind going back to the time when Lisa asked her the same question.

"Not completely but kind of," he said, inhaling her addictive scent. Looking at her sour expression, he chuckled. "Chae, it is supposed to be a compliment."

"How so?"

"You smell nice, and it's unique. And a little addictive so I think it is a compliment," he said, burying his face in her hair, near her neck, making her laugh as his breath tickled her sensitive skin.

"Let's get popsicles," she said pulling back.

"Your wish is my command," he said in english in a failed attempt of the British accent, making the couple crack up.

"Jungkook?" she called as she watched her boyfriend eating a bright red popsicle in the car. They had opted to sit in the car as they needed to remove their masks to eat and it was risky to do that outside.

He hummed in response, looking up at him. "Hmm?"

"What do you want for your birthday?"

"Chae, my birthday is many months away,"

"I want to get you something when I have the time. What if I get busy?" She asked worriedly.

"Then I'll understand that my girlfriend is busy and I'll wait" he replied simply.

"Seriously? C'mon give me one idea," she insisted.

"Fine, give me a hug, give me a kiss and buy me ramyeon" said, ticking them off with his fingers. "There, you asked for one but I gave you three."

The next thing he knew he felt a smack on his arm, making him almost drop his popsicle. Rosé had just hit him with her bag, a mini bag that was slightly bigger than his palm.

How the hell did she make that hurt?

"Ow! Jeez woman, that hurts!"

"It meant to," she huffed, turning away.

"Chae? Are you mad?" he asked, abandoning his popsicle on the dashboard. When she did not respond, he forced her to face him, holding her hand.

"Sweetheart, I'll love anything you give me."



"How about a pineapple?" she blurted out.

"Sure," he laughed. "But out of curiosity, why a pineapple?"

"Honestly I don't know either. It just popped into my mind," she confessed sheepishly, grinning at him.

"Gosh you're so random" he laughed as her phone rang. She pulled her hands out of his grasp to answer her phone. She fished it out from her bag, the screen flashing with Lisa's picture.


"PARK CHAEYOUNG!" the girl shrieked that Rosé had to move the phone away from her ear. Even Jungkook could hear the blackpink maknae scream and the phone was not even on speaker.

"Gosh Liz what did I say about screaming into the phone?"

"Sorry sorry, but girl where are you? I have some juicy news to tell you," Lisa asked.

"I came to see Jungkook," Rosé replied, glancing at him.

"Wah, two of our members on dates on the same day" Lisa muttered.

"WHAT" Rosé shouted into the phone, completely shocked which made Jungkook jump.

Did the Blackpink girls not know how to talk without shouting?

He asked himself, shaking his head.

"Wait who's the other one?" Rosé asked.

"Jennie unnie with frickin Kai from EXO, that's what I wanted to tell you" Lisa replied excitedly. She started narrating the short story of how she played detective and found out.

"Damn she told us they were just friends," Rosé mused.

"Well, so did you" Lisa teased, turning the table.

"Yah, at the point me and Jungkook really were friends" Rosé shot back, Jungkook curiously at her when his name was brought into the conversation.

"Whatever now, get home safe and sound! Don't die, don't get caught. We shall tease Jennie unnie together when she gets back. Time to get your revenge Chae" Lisa said, making the other girl laugh. She sure will, Jennie teased her to no end when she revealed her relationship and now it would be Rosé's turn.

"Oh and tell Jungkook I said hi." she added. Jungkook had warmed up well enough with her bandmates, much to Rosé's delight. She always wanted the guy she dated to be on good terms with her sisters.

"Yes ma'am bye" Rosé hung up.

"What happened? I thought I was going to go deaf with the two of you shouting like that," Jungkook mocked, making her roll her eyes.

"Yah! Anyway, apparently Jennie unnie is dating Kai oppa" Rosé said, excitedly.

"What? Kai hyung? Woah I didn't know" he mused.

"Are you and kai oppa close?" she asked.

"Not really, you can call us friends but we rarely talk nowadays" he explained. "You?"

"We're friends, I only met him through Chanyeol oppa at first but then Jennie unnie also became friends with him so we met more often as Jennie often dragged with her while Kai oppa dragged Chanyeol oppa with him" she explained.

"Wait Chanyeol hyung? I never knew you kept tabs with him"

"I do, he is a nice person"

"I don't really think so" and that was when Rosé realised his jealousy. He was one possessive boy.

"Yah, he's just a friend"

"He fits your ideal type better than me..."

"That means nothing, it doesn't work that way." Rosé assured him. Ideal types were just made of things that were similar to the artists' liking. Does not mean that is exactly who they liked. "Besides I don't think he likes me like that."

"If he did, who would you choose?"


"Just choose Chae"

Though Rosé's answer was immediate, she decided to tease him a little.

"Well, Chanyeol oppa is nice,"

"I'm nice!"


"Have you seen my face?"

"And he's a gentleman" Rosé finished, grinning.

"I am all of that!"

"Sure you are," she joked.

"Hey I am a gentleman!"

"How so?"

"I opened the door for you just now!"

"But you had the key!" Rosé fired back, biting back a smile.

"So you'll choose him?" he sulked.

Rosé melted at his adorable face and decided to put him out of his misery. She leaned forward and held him by both sides of his face, making him look at her.

"Chanyeol oppa is handsome, nice and is a gentleman. But you're more than that. You're sweet, caring, humble, loving and the most handsome man in my heart" she said.

"You really mean that?"

"Every word."

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