#38: Son of a bitch.

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Chapter Thirty-Eight: "Son of a bitch."

"Jungkook? What are you doing in the middle of the night?" Rosé asked, opening the door of the Blackpink house. She was as usual playing her guitar at 1am while the rest of the girls were asleep when the doorbell rang.

"I missed you" he said flatly before seizing her by the waist, pulling her to him as he kissed her. He kicked off his shoes before stepping in, not breaking the kiss as he kicked the door shut with his heel. Rosé did not understand what was going on but could see that he was troubled. She kissed him back, trying to match his pace, deciding to go with the flow for his sake.

He carried her by the waist, wrapping her legs around him as he walked up the stairs, successfully reaching her room. He placed her gently on the bed, his lips kissing her at the base of her neck. Rosé bit back a moan as she felt him suck on her weak spot, making her shudder as her hormones kicked in. Soon, a deep purplish bruise formed at the area before he attached his lips back onto hers.

Rosé felt his hand slip under her shirt and cupping her bosom over her bra. Rosé let him do as he pleased, his lips roughly moving against hers, all his frustration pouring into the kiss. When Rosé realised that things were getting steamy, she gently detached herself from him.

It was not because she did not want him, she did. It didn't matter when or where, she would always want him. But that wasn't the point. Something had made him upset and this was a distraction for him. She needed to help him out of that state; not provide a distraction.

"Jungkook" she called, rubbing his back softly, making him calm down as he breathed heavily, his body still pressed down on hers. He could feel her hand pressing into his shoulder blade, pushing him down to lie down on her and he let her, resting his head on her chest, feeling her fingers tangle into his hair.

"What's wrong Jungkook?" she asked, stroking his hair. "I can tell something isn't right." When he did not answer she sighed, "It's something to do with me, isn't it?" He did not respond at first but eventually handed her his phone from his pocket, his arms wrapping around her torso again after doing so. She unlocked his phone with her face ID since they both had registered each other's face IDs in their respective phones.

"What am I supposed to look at?" she asked softly. He again did not reply but clicked whatsapp and went into his chat with Mark. There it was a picture of her and Mark. She recognised the clothes and realised it was the picture from the small party Lisa had dragged her to the previous week. Even Jungkook knew about it. The thing was she had no idea who took it. She could see her laughing along with him but they weren't touching while BamBam could be seen in the background, on the ground doing god knows what.

Rosé frowned. Why did Mark send this picture to Jungkook in the first place? What was it suppose to prove? Her question was answered when she saw the texts below.

See that Jungkook?

I can make her happy and one day she will realise I'm much better than you.

I'll steal her from you

Rosé's lips parted as she took in the texts the man she considered her 'friend', had sent to her boyfriend. "This son of a bitch" she cursed, making Jungkook raise his eyebrows. She was furious. She had considered Mark to be her friend but he had planted fake things into her boyfriend's head, making him feel insecure about them.

But her guilt overweighed her anger. It was coz of her. She shouldn't have let Lisa and BamBam drag her to the party. She shouldn't have talked to him in the first place, even if it was a short conversation.

"Jungkook I'm so sorry, I never knew what an asshole he was. Oh my gosh, I really am sorry, baby you've got to believe me! I never did anything-" her rambling got cut off when Jungkook placed her lips against hers in a brief kiss which was only meant to stop her talking.

"Baby, I never doubted you. This is not your fault. I trust you more than anyone and I know you won't cheat on me" he said but continued on. "Sometimes, I just can't help but be insecure," Rosé was opened her mouth about to reassure him when he placed his index finger on her lips. "Shh let me speak" and she did.

"Rosie you're not just a famous musician but you're also really popular amongst men and it doesn't help when so many guys out there want you. I normally brush it off because I know you love me but I'm human too you know?" His eyes were glossy. "It's really hard to take care of you Rosé." he finished. His voice sounded so heartbreaking it almost made Rosé cry.

"So... so you're going to let go?" fear enveloped her voice.

"What? No no! Baby, I will never let go of you." Jungkook assured her, lying down next to her and pulling her against his chest. "I just wanted to let you know how I felt."

"I'll never hang out with him again that's for sure, I won't entertain anyone interested in me," she promised. "Would it make you feel better if I distanced myself a bit from my guy friends?" she asked.

"No honey, I'm not going to interfere in your friendships. That would make me toxic and our relationship would become unhealthy. Friends are friends. As long as they have the right intentions and don't hurt you, you can be friends with whoever you want. All I want you to do is, tell me that you love me," he said, caressing her cheek.

"Jungkook, I love you. There's no place for anyone else in my life. There will be ups and downs in life but it's always going to be you. No matter what. If you want me to tell you every second, I will, because you deserve to hear that every second of your life. I love you I love you I Iove you I lov-" her little speech got cut off as Jungkook pressed a kiss on her lips.

She could feel him smile through the kiss as his arms tightened around her waist as he pulled her against him, their body heat combining. Rosé straddled him as she kissed him with whatever energy she had left.

Jungkook pulled back, running his fingers through her hair as she laid back on the mattress, her long arms hugging his body. "Also, make sure to stay clear of Mark" he said, lying on his side and facing her.

"Don't worry, if I come across him, I'll kick his ass myself!" she replied, making him laugh lightly while he nuzzled his nose against her neck.

"That's my girl."

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