#66: I'm happy.

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Chapter Sixty-Six: "I'm happy."

"I'm going out for a walk," Rosé told Jisoo as she put on her mask.

"It's almost nine Chae." She replied worriedly.

"Don't worry unnie. I have two bodyguards with me." Rosé said. This eased Jisoo's worry and she nodded.

"Okay be careful."

"I will!" Rosé called back and skipped out. Her bodyguard Noah, followed her and they walked towards the park near the Blackpink dorm while Max, the other guard, followed them in a car just in case.

"Yes alright darling... I'm safe yea... I'll see you soon... bye... love u too..."

"Girlfriend?" Rosé asked Noah after he ended his call.

"Wife." He corrected.

"Sounds sweet." She commented.

"She is actually." Noah grinned. "Would you like to see a picture?"

"Of course!" Rosé said enthusiastically and he excitedly opened his phone to show her a picture of his wife.

"She is beautiful." Rosé said softly.

"She really is." He agreed, putting away his phone as they walked long the pathway of the park.

"If you don't mind me asking," Rosé started and he continued knowingly.

"About the scar on her neck?"

"Yeah, is it a question she often gets?" Rosé asked bewildered.

"Quite a few times. As you can see it's very obvious." Noah replied. "But to answer your question, she was," he took a deep breath, "she was a rape victim."

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry," Rosé apologised, wide eyed. "I didn't mean to reopen such a wound."

"It's fine, we don't let that affect us." He said dismissively.


"Yeah, it doesn't change anything now does it?" Noah asked.

"Of course not!" Rosé said immediately. "Whatever happened to her is not in anyway her fault. She deserves love too. I'm glad the both of you are strong and steady."

"I don't want to overstep boundaries, but if she deserves love, why don't you?" Noah asked hesitantly.

When she stared blankly at him, he continued. "I know it's not my place to say this and I'm not trying to invalidate your feelings or your trauma but what I am trying to ask is, why would you let those assholes affect your relationship with Jungkook-shi?" He was growing more urgent as he spoke. "What happened was completely unforgivable but you shouldn't be the one punished for it. If me and my wife can still be happy and together over such a case, I think you definitely can."

"Rosé-shi, nothing happened to you. That's what you should believe because what they did was on their part. Not yours." He said.

"What are you trying to say?" Rosé asked quietly.

"I think you know what I'm taking about." He replied softly. "Take your time. I'll wait by the corner over there to give you some privacy to think." He said and walked away from her.

Rosé sat down on the wooden bench, thinking his words over. A women's purity does not lie in virginity. She was a strong believer of that. She also wasn't the one who held others responsible for someone else's mistake. Then why was she holding herself responsible for something she didn't do? Why was she punishing herself and Jungkook who was innocent for someone else's mistake? It wasn't like she was actually raped. Even if she was, that wouldn't warrant putting herself and Jungkook through this now would it? None of it was any of their fault, why must she punish herself? Why must she deny the love that both she and Jungkook deserved?

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