#63: No matter what.

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Chapter Sixty-Three: "No matter what."

"Wait three people?" Jungkook asked wide-eyed.

The BTS and Blackpink members were in the VIP waiting room of the hospital as Rosé was inside, her slash from the knife being stitched up. Hobi had accompanied Rosé in the ambulance and she had been admitted immediately. Hence, the rest of them had not seen her yet.

Jungkook wished he was there to see her but from what Hobi was explaining, he was only grateful he wasn't. If he was the one who found her, he would have freaked out. Hobi had been calm and called up the ambulance and made sure she did not pass out from excessive bleeding using his shirt. Jungkook was not sure if he would have been able to act like that in his state of panic if he was in Hobi's position.

"Yea, she had fought them and ran away. I think they chased her because she was running really fast." Hobi said. All the while, Jennie and Lisa were crying and Jisoo was trying her best to comfort the two girls. Taehyung was holding Jimin who looked so worried and exhausted. Yoongi was sitting silently, listening to Hobi. Namjoon put an arm around Jungkook in an attempt to make him feel better while Jin was leaning against the wall, his head tilted up.

"Also, there is something you should know." Hobi said hesitantly. It was an awkward and sensitive subject to talk about but he knew that Jungkook had every right to know. "Promise me you will keep your cool and not act in your anger."

"Hyung you're making me even more nervous. Just tell me. Please," Jungkook said urgently, fearful of what came next.

"They touched her." Hobi revealed. "Over here," he gestured his hand to his chest awkwardly.

"THEY WHAT?" Jungkook raised his voice.

"Nothing else happened. She got away," Hobi said quickly so as to make sure he doesn't get the wrong idea.

"What the fuck!" Yoongi cursed.

"Those assholes." This time it was Jennie, her voice strong from anger. At an instant, all their worried and concerned faces expressed anger. Attacking her was one thing. But assault? That was unforgivable.

"I'm gonna kill them!" Jungkook shouted, launching out of the room when Namjoon and Jin held him back.

"Jungkook calm down." Namjoon said loudly but he was thrashing in their arms, fighting to loosen their hold on him.

"Jungkook!" Jin yelled so loud that all of them were taken aback from his volume but Jungkook was not fazed. He was angry and frustrated and he did not know how to vent it.

"What?" The maknae challenged his oldest hyung, not even bothering with the honorifics.

"I need you to calm down." Jin said, ignoring the lack of respect.

"Easy for you to say," Jungkook scoffed, shrugging Namjoon's arm off of him. "They touched my girlfriend and you expect me to just stand here?" He demanded. "Of course you don't care. She's my girlfriend after all. Why would bother-" He retorted but was cut off when Jin slapped him. That startled the maknae a little. Never once in his life did any of hyungs lay their hands on him before.

Jin held him by the collar, bringing him closer to himself. "Don't you dare say another word." He seethed. His voice was dangerously low, completely out of his character. He let go of his shirt harshly, sending Jungkook staggering a few steps but he seemed to regain his balance. Jin looked away for a second, exhaling loudly before looking at him in the eyes again, his tone a little softer but still furious.

"Is that really what you think? That I don't care? That all of us," he gestured to rest of them who were also caught off guard by his loss of control. "don't care about her at all? So what if she's your girlfriend? She's a sister to the rest of us. We care about her as much as you do. It's the type of love which is different. Not the amount. You better get that into your thick skull before you say something like that ever again."

Jungkook looked down at the floor, slumping down on the couch in between Lisa and Yoongi. "So now what?" He asked, his voice breaking. "I'm supposed to just do nothing?" a Jin sighed, crouching down. Jungkook immediately hunched over, flinging his arms around his brother's neck as he cried into his shoulder.

Jin stroked his hair. "Now what you need to do is be strong for her. What she needs now is not revenge. You inflicting any type of harm on those people who harmed won't help her in the least. What she needs is support." He advised.

"He right Jungkook." Lisa spoke, placing a hand on his when he sat back up. "As a girl and as her close friend, let me tell you. Sexual assault makes someone feel dirty, unworthy. It doesn't matter how small it is. It affects the way a girl views herself negatively. She would also feel the most sorry to you because you are her boyfriend. You're the one who needs to assure her that she's fine; that she's worth it; that you love her the same."

"You do right?" Jisoo added after a moment's hesitation.

"I do what?" He asked, not getting what she was asking.

"You still love her right?" she clarified.

"Of course I do!" His answer immediate. "What happened was not her fault. How can I be petty and leave when she needs me the most noona? I'm going to stay with her no matter what." He said confidently.

Jin smiled proudly at him, patting his thigh. "I'm sorry about the slap earlier. I didn't mean it. I don't know what came over me. I was just-" he rambled in with his apology when Jungkook stopped him.

"Hyung, it's okay. I was being stupid. I don't even know who they are. How can I go and beat them up?"

"Not exactly the reason I provided as to why you shouldn't go but as long as you know what you tried to do was stupid, I guess it's fine." Jin said warily.

"I just hope the police find them," Taehyung said. The agencies were informed as soon as Rosé was admitted and were currently looking to work with the police and punish the offenders.

"They will. We should focus on her recovery first." Namjoon said.

"The doctor said the gash is not too deep so she well get well soon." Hobi repeated the doctor's words when he examined her cut when they first came in.

"No, that's not it," Namjoon denied. "I'm not talking about her physical injury. I am talking about her emotional recovery. The incident is bound to have an effect on her mental health."

Jungkook leaned back, sighing. "I just wish this never happened. All this, it isn't fair. Why does such a pure and innocent person like her have to suffer?"

"Life is never fair. The best people suffers the worst. The worst people have the best life. We just have to keep moving no matter what comes our way." Yoongi sighed and Jungkook nodded. He closed his eyes, making a silent promise to her. 

Don't worry Chae, we will get through this together. I'll stay with you, no matter what.

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