Halloween Special (Lemon)

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Warning: You are about to read some quite messed up stuff, there are elements such as Mind Break, Mind Control/Manipulation, some are close to Rape. If you aren't into this kind of stuff, I advise you to leave, and sit this one out. I'm about to go hams on this one.

Note: Steven and Connie are 18+ in this chapter, so cool your shits.

3rd Person POV


Connie screams, and she covers her eyes, and whimpers in fear as the scene in the movie shows a panel of the killer ruthlessly stabbing the girl, terrified screams filled the room, and sound of blood splattering was heard through the Television's speakers. 

Lapis: gulp

Spinel: H-he's right behind you!

Jasper: Ladies, calm down, it's just a movie.

Connie: I know but it's so scarryyyyyyy!

Spinel: Why did we even agree to this?! And why are we in lingeries?!

Lapis: Mainly cause we agreed to let Steven have some fun with us, remember?

Connie: Speaking of Steven, where is he, anyway? Thought he'd be here sooner.

Connie looks to the side, her eyes still covered. She moves a finger down, and she looks at the clock to know what time it is. 

Connie: It's about to turn midnight's getting closer, and he's still not here. 

Spinel: You sure, Stevie's coming? I'm starting to feel cold here, ya know? 

Lapis: When Steven makes a promise, he keeps it. Well, most of them at least. 

Just then, a knocking was heard, and all three gems, and the human female to turn their heads towards the door. 

Connie: I think that's him, let me check. 

Connie stood up, and she walked towards the door, her eyes still covered. As soon as she was facing away from the Television, she finally pried her hands off her eyes, and she looked towards the door, and she grabbed the door knob and pulled the door open, with Steven in front of him, and is...is he...smiling?

Then, Connie noticed something. There's some weird, almost...erotic and lustful odor coming off of him. It doesn't smell bad, but in fact...it's almost like...a perfume. She even notices that his skin turned...a little pale, and he even grew taller....a lot taller. 

Connie: S-Steven! There you are! We've been waiting for you for hours!

Steven: Hey there, Connie~

Connie: W-woah, even y-your voice sounds...d-deeper. 

Steven: Glad you noticed, baby~ 

Then, realization slaps Connie, and she smiles and blushes as she realized what her boyfriend is supposed to be.

For reference, this is what Steven looks like:


Connie: Steven, I knew you'd use your shape-shifting for your Halloween costume but I didn't think you were going as a Sex God~ Love the new cologne~

Steven gives a smirk, as an unseen creature grins wickedly from a hiding place. 

Steven: Ya know, I wasn't going for "God", but now that you said it, it sounds so... right~ 

Connie: Well then...you wanna come in?~ We've been waiting for you since forever, it'd be a shame if you didn't come inside now, right?~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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Painite's Existence(StevenUniverseXMaleGemReader) (Harem, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now