Chapter 93: Welcome to Remnant, Gem Slayer

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Your POV

I was sitting in silence inside a dimly lit room as I see three people in front of me. It was the same three adults that tried to attack me yesterday. I already knew their names, of course they didn't tell me. I merely overheard. The blonde was Glynda, the white haired one is Winter, and the one dressed in a General outfit is named Ironwood.

I just sat there in silence as Glynda kept on walking around pacing back and forth, until she came to a stop and looked directly towards me, she then slammed her hands on the table as an attempt to scare me...but it was the opposite...I took it as a challenge.

Glynda: Just what are you?! You killed over 459 Grimms last night!

Y/N: So?

Glynda: That's not something that anyone could do in just a night...not even a year!

Y/N: Calm down, I'm waiting for your boss. I'll tell when he's here. Besides, he's here right now.

Glynda: Very funny-

Then, as if on cue, the door opened and it revealed the Headmaster, Glynda looked at me with shock and confusion.

Glynda: How did you know?

Y/N: I heared his footsteps.

Winter: But this room has ten inch thick walls!

Y/N: Maybe I have better senses than you.

???: Glynda, Winter, let me take care of this.

Glynda then stood beside Winter and Ironwood. The man with white hair, wearing glasses, with a cane and has a green scarf around him and a mug with coffee that doesn't even seem to be running out anytime soon, and he's carrying a plate of cookies. What the hell does this punk think I am?! A fucking kid?!

???: Cookies? You must be hungry.

Y/N: No thanks, I don't need to eat.

???: Not even a piece?

Y/N: No, listen to me. I don't really NEED to eat. I can eat if I want to. Eating isn't a necessity in our kind.

Glynda: "Kind"? What "kind", hm?

Y/N: A kind you obviously never heared of before.

Glynda: This is stupid. And get that thing off of your chest! That amount of Dust could kill you!

Y/N: Dust? What dust-

Then I realized what she was talking about, I looked down and I knew she was talking about my gem. I will not take this insult lightly. How dare she call me a dust?!

Y/N: Did you just call me a dust?! How dare you! I'm one of the rarest and only kind of my race! You take that back!

Glynda: Are you that stupid?! I'm talking about the Dust in your embedded on your chest! That amount will kill you!

Y/N: I am no fucking dust! I am a Gem!

Ozpin: Glynda, shut your mouth for a moment, please? Thank you. And why do you not want to get rid of that amount of Dust? It really will kill you.

Y/N: *sigh* This isn't a "Dust", this is a gem. I came from an alien race called Gems, where we are beings made out of magic and hardlight. So what your seeing right now *gestures to my own body* is a hologram, but with mass. Me? I'm a combination of Science, and Magic.

I said as I lit my left hand in flames, and on my right arm I made the biomass stored inside me pulse a bit.

Y/N: The body you're currently looking at right now, is just hardlight. This *points to his gem* is the real me. I get all the nutrients and energy from my gem. I could live on without eating for years. If my physical form is damaged, I will go out in a poof and I will retreat back in my gem and wait for my form to reconstruct and rejuvenate. But if my gem was damaged, my physical form will be as well, my body will glitch out, like a computer and it will slowly deteriorate if not taken care of immediately.

Painite's Existence(StevenUniverseXMaleGemReader) (Harem, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now