Chapter 52: Talk with Connie

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Your POV

Me and Steven put up missing posters for Lion on the pizzeria's windows from inside. As he leaves, he speaks to someone inside. Where did he even go?

Steven: If you see him, call me right away. He's my only interdimensional gateway to space, and I love him. *walks off* Okay, I think I have enough fliers left to-

Just then, a yellow sports car stops in front of Steven, causing the fliers to fly out of his hands. Goddammit!

Steven: Aah! Aah!

The car door opens and Kevin steps out, flicking his hair. I already am mad just looking at him.

Kevin: What are you doing Saturday night?

Me and Steven stares at Kevin, unamused, and starts to walk away to pick up his flyers. Kevin runs after him in shock.

Kevin: Hey! Listen! Little kid!

Y/N: Beat it, Kevin.

Kevin: I'm throwing a party at my parents' palatial estate. All the coolest teens in Delmarva have RSVP'd, except one; the only one cooler than I am.

Steven: Are you... talking about me?

Kevin: What? No! Eww! I'm talking about Stevonnie and him.*points to me*

Steven: W-W-What?! You can't just- *grumbles* This is the last thing I need right now.

Kevin: Look, Stevonnie is better than me, okay? Better dancer, better driver. Stevonnie truly does not care what anyone thinks. And him, he's a better racer, cooler than me, he doesn't care what people think about him too. That's why both of them are coolest. If I can't be the coolest, I at least got to be seen hanging with the coolest.

Steven: Stevonnie only exists when Connie and I are together, and we're... I'm not coming.

Kevin: *sighs* Great. So I invited that other kid for nothing. *walks back to his car*

Steven:...Wh- Connie's going?!

Steven drops all of his fliers and runs after Kevin, panting.

Kevin: Of course she's going. No one turns down an invitation to a Kevin party.

Steven: But she can't stand you. Why would she- *gasps* Wait! Did you say all of this to her, too?! Does she think I'm- *trips and falls, grunting* -I'm gonna be there?

Kevin gets into his car and starts the engine, as Steven frantically tries to talk to him.

Steven: Is it too late to RSVP?

Kevin rolls down his window.

Kevin: Yes. But! I'll make an exception... for Stevonnie.

Kevin drives away, but immediately returns.

Kevin: Wait. What's your number? I'll text you the address.

Steven: Oh. Yeah, uhh, 301-555...

Kevin: *rolls his eyes* Here, you enter it. *hands Steven his phone*

Steven: Okay, uh, how do I...?
Kevin You roll the little ball to navigate.

Steven: The screen is so tiny. *enters his contact details* Here. *hands Kevin back his phone*

Kevin: Huh, your name's Steven? Weird. I thought it was Clarence. See you at the party Saturday, Steven.

Kevin turns his car around and drives away, leaving Steven behind. This is my chance to talk to Connie.

Scene change; Night Time

Me and Steven arrived in the backyard of Kevin's estate, and mid-tempo music and lots of chattering are heard. As Steven nervously walks in, he draws the attention of several party-goers. I walked in wearing my jacket and a few people had their eyes on me.

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