The Solution!

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Okay, I've been thinking and I've been thinking a lot after I posted the last part. I know I said that I won't upload images and I will do exactly that.


What if I only put the image link? Not only will you all get to view the images again, I also won't get chased by the higher ups again and tell me that I fucked things up again. And an idiot running around reporting my images won't have anything to report.

HA! Jokes on you!

But seriously, stop it. You're not only ruining my story, but also the reader enjoying the story. Images in this story is a big deal so please, stop.

And as for the images I'll look for the link when I found the EXACT picture and I'll just have to copy and paste them.

For PC Users reading my story, you can just press the link.

For those who are using their phones/tablet, you can copy and paste it on the URL or you can jusy write the link down and type it.

And as for the images that are saved on my phone, I'll keep them with me, for memento and uhhhhhh...safekeeping...yeah...

I'm still taking a break and I have a new story in the works.

I'll see you all later

Mcfly signing off

Painite's Existence(StevenUniverseXMaleGemReader) (Harem, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now