Chapter 56: A Past Wished Forgotten And A Warning

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Your POV

I finally reached Earth with LP, we both arrived yesterday and the gang is showing her around today. I was in the kitchen with a cup of hot coffee in my hands. No one was around at that time since all of them are teaching LP Earth culture. I was deep inside my own thoughts, remembering all the things I have done, I don't know why but they just came out right now.

All the gems from the High Rebellion I have shattered, the humans I have harmed back when I haven't met Steven yet back when I was still a weapon. Everything around me is silent, and everything is black.

I was wondering, can they forgive me? For what I've done? To all of them? I mean, I shattered gems from High Rebellion to protect the Empire, but........I feel......bad.

Not to mention the humans that I hurt thousands of years ago. Probably they won't, I mean who can forgive a person who let the total destruction of a powerful country.

Then I saw a blinding light heading towards me, I covered my eyes using my hands to prevent the brightness from getting to me.

The light faded and I saw I was in a battlefield, I was at a foot of a mountain and there were a lot of tattered flags and lot's of swords or any kind of weapons lying on the groun.

Then I noticed that there are gem shards on the ground, I realized where I was, this place is where I first shattered gems, I heared footsteps behind me, I looked back and saw......Oh no.

It's my past self, wearing the armor I have in-stored my gem, I tried forgetting about my past self, my mistakes, brutality, and my title, but he won't let me

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It's my past self, wearing the armor I have in-stored my gem, I tried forgetting about my past self, my mistakes, brutality, and my title, but he won't let me.

Past Self: You cannot forget about past!

Y/N: NO! I buried you a long time ago in the sands of time! HOW ARE YOU HERE?!?!

Past Self: You can never forget your past, it's what made you who you are. A monster, a weapon.

I summoned my gauntlets and he started changing shape, he replaced his armor with the other armor I have. He was holding a Gladius and did a stance.

 He was holding a Gladius and did a stance

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Painite's Existence(StevenUniverseXMaleGemReader) (Harem, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now