Chapter 82: Just Another Day

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Your POV

I was walking back to the Beach House, where Jet and Citrine was living with me. In my room, to be specific. I entered the house and my gem glow bright and the Temple Door opened, revealing my room, I entered and looked to my right, and saw Jet and Citrine. Jet was covered in bandages while wiping her sword clean, as Citrine tie her hair.

 Jet was covered in bandages while wiping her sword clean, as Citrine tie her hair

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Y/N: How you doing, Jet?

Jet: Let's see, I got into a bar fight, I was drunk, and I have cuts all over me. I'm doing fine.

Y/N: Well, it's your own fault for jumping that hillbilly.

Jet: He insulted my baby! He's gotta pay! And why didn't you help us anyway?

Y/N: I only heared of it when the bar called me after an hour of you fighting at the bar. So I didn't get to help you.

Jet: Of course. You and your ass.

Y/N: Hey! I have a nice and decent ass! Thank you very much.

Jet let out a chuckle while Citrine giggled at what I just said. I just smiled as I walked towards her, and let some of my tears drip on Jet. As my tears hit Jet, her cuts healed and she felt so muc better now.

Jet: Huh, well that's handy. Thanks, babe.

Then she cupped her hand on my cheeks and kissed me in the forehead. I smiled as I gently caressed her right cheek. Jet hugged me and I just laughed and hugged back.

Citrine: I want a hug too!

Then Citrine joined in and she slumped on my back and I hugged her too, along with Jet. Everything was fine, until I felt two hands squeeze my butt cheeks.

Y/N: Hey! No touching the ass!

Jet: Well you ain't lying when you do have a nice ass.

I then broke the hug and pried their hands off of my ass. Then I stood up and backed away from them.

Y/N: I'm going to take my leave, I have some things to do still, we need to finish a few houses and I still need to finish a few turrets. I'll see both of you later.

Then I walked out of my room again and out of the house. I haven't used my Harley Davidson in a long time so now's the time. I matetialized the motorcycle from my gem and I started it up, I rode to Little Homeworld.

Timeskip's raining right now. The construction of the houses have halted for now. But I'm not stopping with the turrets, they can stop with the houses, but I can't stop with the turrets. Lightning was all over the place, all of the gems looked for shelter under the rain.

I ignored the thunder booming all around me, lighting strikes all over the place, rain smashing against me. At this point, I even almost got hit by lightning, it was just a few meters away from me, but I kept working. Until one gem approached me with an umbrella, I looked down on her from where I was and saw that she was one of the un-corrupted gems.

Painite's Existence(StevenUniverseXMaleGemReader) (Harem, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now