Chapter 26: You Don't Deserve To Be A Crystal Gem!

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Your POV

I woke up from the soft bed. I stretched and stood up and headed for the console, I typed in a few things and I  saw that this is a daily report of the everyday event here in beach City.

Including the time that Jasper arrived here. I decided to go back to Steven and ask what we are going to do today.

The temple doors opened and I went through. I looked around and saw that everyone was gone except for Ronaldo.

I made my way near Ronaldo and i noticed that he looks strange. At least he didn't take videos of me.knowing the fact that he posts weird things in his blog.

Well it is a blog to keep Beach City weird, so I guess it makes sense. at that very moment the warp pad lit up and Steven headed for the kitchen.

Y/N: Hey Steven. What happened while I was out?

Steven: Oh we just went to a mission.

Ronaldo begins inspecting Steven, presumably returned from the mission earlier, with a pair of binoculars. He even watches people minding their own business? He's even more of a creep

Steven: Um... hi, Bloodstone.

Ronaldo: Oh. Hi, Steven. Didn't see you there. So... how'd the mission go without me holding you back?

Steven: Uh, it went fine. You know, the usual: fighting monsters, sharing emotions.

Ronaldo: I'm glad you didn't get hurt. With me not there.

Steven: Yeah... Well, I'm heading out.

Ronaldo: And you're going out like that?

Steven: Uh... like what?

Ronaldo: Well, I just think a real Crystal Gem would want to show off their gem, like, all the time. If I had a gem, I'd show mine off.

Steven ties a knot in the bottom of his shirt to expose his gem. What's his problem? Probably he's upset since he didn't go for a mission, he's not even ready. Nor will he ever be.

The next day

I trained Steven and Connie since Pearl and the others are out for a mission.Steven bides Connie  goodbye as she leaves Steven's house. She has a lot of potential in her and she can become one of the greatest sword fighters I know.

Steven: Bye, Connie! See you tomorrow for sword training! *bumps into Ronaldo inside the house* Ah!

Ronaldo: Her gem weapon's a sword, huh? She totally ripped that off from me.

Steven: What?! That sword  belonged to my mom!

Ronaldo: How come I don't get your mom's gempon? That's "Gem" and "weapon".

Steven: Well, Connie's been a part of the Crystal Gems longer than you, so...

Ronaldo: Admit it. She's just in because she's your girlfriend.

Steven: What are you talking about?!

Ronaldo: She doesn't even live here! I'm here all the time! Look at that quality groove I've established! ( *gestures at a groove indented in the couch* ) If she was a real Crystal Gem, she'd be a little bit more dedicated!

Y/N: Hey! What the heck is wrong with you?

Steven: Are you serious?! Bloodstone, ever since you got here, all you've done is boss me around! Who are you to tell anyone how to be a Crystal Gem?! You're just- You're just... a guy with a blog!

Painite's Existence(StevenUniverseXMaleGemReader) (Harem, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now