Chapter 23: A Matriarch's Love (Lemon)

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Your POV

Today is just another day in Homeworld. I was doing another maintenance on Blue's ship since the main engine has a bug.

Y/N: Okay so this goes here and this there and-

???: Boo!

Y/N: (*sigh*)  What do you want you pixie?

Then someone I knew ( and didn't like ) moved and got behind me. I turned around and it was her, the midget.

She'll be the same size as Peridot's in this story

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She'll be the same size as Peridot's in this story.

Y/N: Aquamarine.

Aquamarine: I only wanted to check on my friend~

Y/N: Oh? Now I'm your friend because I had the same ranking as a Diamond now, eh?

Aquamarine: No it's not that you twat!

Y/N: Not to mention you are one of the main reasons why I went rampant. I don't wanna hear it you midget.

Her eyes then twitched from the insult and used her zero point energy wand. ( Yes that's what it's called ) and put me in a bubble and I just sighed and broke free.

I just kept ignoring her insults and kept on working until I heard something that I will never tolerate.

Aquamarine: You are such an imbecile. Are your friends stupid to have you?

I stopped what I was doing and suddenly my eyes became bloodshot again. I slowly stood up and walked towards her. I was towering over her and gave her a cold and menacing stare with my bloodshot eyes.

I summoned my gauntlets and tried to hit her. She moved out of the way leaving a crack on the floor. She uses her wand to keep me in place but I still broke free.

She then summoned her wings and flew up while I did the same thing. As we are in the air she summoned an orb and it kept shooting lazer at me. I then lost control of my body and my vision is starting to fade.

I went behind her and punched her sending her to the ground making a small crater. I landed in front of the crater and a beam of light hit me sending me flying to a wall.

I tried to stand up but she used her wand and this time she used a stronger reinforcement. She smiled with a smug look on her face

 She smiled with a smug look on her face

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