Chapter 53: Too Cool For School

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Notice: Everyone hold on to your dear butt cheeks because this will be a  8,000 word chapter. This will be a long one. Enjoy.

Your POV

I was walking around the  Beach City Boardwalk minding my own business. I was planning on buying pizza at the Fish Stew Pizza when I saw Jenny carrying two stacks of pizza. It almost fell over and luckily I ran towards her and caught her and the pizza boxes. I then put down all of the boxes and I helped Jenny up.

Jenny: Whew! Thanks Y/N. You saved me back there.

Y/N: No problem. Why do you have this much pizza?

Jenny: I'm supposed to bring these to my friends and hang out. I don't have the car. It broke down from the last trip and it's in the shop.

Y/N: I can give you a ride.

Jenny: REALLY?!?! Thank you so much, you're a life saver.

Y/N: Okay, okay. Where exactly are we going?

Jenny: You'll see.

I carried some of the pizza boxes and headed to the container unit. I started up the car and I helped Jenny put the pizza boxes in the back. She strapped in and I put my seat belt on. Then we're off to wherever Jenny's friends are.

Y/N: So how's the Suspects holding up?

Jenny: We're doing great, we were invited again to play this Saturday night.

Y/N: That's awesome, good luck.

Jenny: Thanks, okay turn right.

I signaled my car and turned right. I stepped on the throttle making the car go faster. As we arrived at the destination, I realized where we's a school.

Y/N: am I doing here?

Jenny: I haven't actually beem honest to you. The pizza boxes are empty.

I grabbed one of the boxes in the back and opened it and she wasn't lying.

Y/N: What am I doing here?

Jenny: Well I wanted to show my friends that I wasn't lying about you. They won't believe me so I'll show them that I'm telling the truth.

Y/N: Why didn't you just tell me?

Jenny: Because you might turn it down.

Y/N: I've got nothing to do so might as well be here. Is there a parking space here?

Jenny: Yeah, just up front.

I drove the car in front of the parking space. I stepped out of the car while Jenny did the same thing. I saw kids eyeing my car and I even saw some of them take a selfie.

I followed Jenny through the whole crowd of students, they all had their eyes on me, and I just ignored the fact that I'm towering over all of them.

I followed Jenny until I saw Steven and Connie and they waved at me. This might be high-school.

Y/N: Hey Jenny, what grade are you again?

Jenny: 10th Grade.

Y/N: Ok just asking.

Then we arrived at her classroom and I entered and the whole room was filled with lively students, and I also saw the teacher. The teacher turned her attention to both of us. Jenny walked towards the teacher and gave her a hug. They must be close

Teacher: How's the band, Jenny?

Jenny: We're doing great, we'll play again this Saturday.

Teacher: I see. *turns to me* And who is this young man?

Painite's Existence(StevenUniverseXMaleGemReader) (Harem, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now