Chapter 72: Bring It!

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Your POV

The day of the fight finally arrived but I was still training my troops, I had three hundred clones heavily armored and heavily armed with shields and spears surrounding the field in case something bad happens.

I was walking around the training field watching the combatants hone their skills and improve themselves. Suddenly Thulite came out of know where with stars in her eyes again and she was getting too close again.

Y/N: Ever heared of personal space?

Thulite: Whatareyourweapons?

Y/N: What?

Then she grabbed me by the shoulders and started shaking me uncontrollably.

Thulite: What? Are? Your? Weapons?

Y/N: Jeez, calm down! Let go of me!

Then she did and I recomposed myself and cleared my throat.

Y/N: It depends, I can make any weapon I want because I trained myself to master and hone my skills in handling any weapon. But my main weapons are Gauntlets and Yuatja Blades. Happy now?

Thulite: That's so cool! I wish I can master any weapon.

Then I just chuckled and put my hand on her shoulder and she looked at me with stars in her eyes again.

Y/N: Keep training yourself and you might master weapons like I did. If you want I could train you.

Thulite: Yes, that would be quite helpful. Thank you, my Painite.

Y/N: Please, call me Y/N. I would prefer being called by Y/N than "My Painite".

Thulite: Okay, thank you, Y/N.

Then she smiled brightly making me smile back and she started walking away. Suddenly I heared footsteps, thousands of footsteps...coming from the north, I turned my head towards north and saw...Jet, along with her Army/Naval Core.

Then Jet and her Core walked to the training field while me and my three hundred clones walked behind me. We kept walking until Jet and myself finally were in front of each other and both ny clones and Jet's Core.

Y/N: What a pleasant surprise this is? You brought your Core along with you.

Jet: This day is full of surprises.

Y/N: But care to explain why you brought them here?

Jet: Oh nothing, just brought three thousand of my Core to show you that they outnumber your clones.

Y/N: *chuckles* Sometimes, the numbers don't matter.

Jet: Oh really? Prove it then.

Then I just smiled and pointed to the gem beside Jet.

Y/N: What is your profession?

Gem 1: I'm a mechanic, sir.

Y/N: Mechanic...and you?

I pointed to the gem on Jet's right side and she looked at me.

Y/N: Yes, you. What is your profession?

Gem 2: Architect, sir.

Y/N: Architect...

Then I pointed to the gem at the back.

Painite's Existence(StevenUniverseXMaleGemReader) (Harem, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now