Chapter 92: Where The Hell Am I?!

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Heads up!!! This is a Crossover Chapter for the Crossover Arc, if you don't like Crossovers, just skip it.

Your POV

I ran back inside my ship and entered the cockpit, I tried to set it to self-repair mode but it's too busted. I need to manually fix this myself, just my un-fucking-believable luck. At least the cloaking tech still works, that would keep the inhabitants of wherever this place is.

I pressed the button and the ship became invisible, the cloak was now activated, I turned it off again and I walked out of the ship again and I checked it's Overdrive Engine, Main Engine and it's Thrusters and Nuclear Reactor. Well shit...this'll be a joy to fix. Fuck this shit.

??? POV

In my office, I was there, sitting in my chair while taking a sip from my coffee. Right now, something isn't right. The loud explosion, the violent tremors that the entire school just felt...I knew that was't just a normal explosion or an earthquake.

I...don't know whatever is in that forest...but something tells me that that isn't something that I should just let slide. This is just a hunch...but I need to know...what is in there. I pulled out my Scroll and called Glynda. As I was about to press the button, the elevator doors opened and Glynda was already there.

???: Ah, Glynda, there you are. I was just about to call you.

Glynda: Why are going to call me? Is there something wrong?

???: Yes...and...I don't know if should let it slide or not but...the powerful tremor we just felt and the loud explosion we heared in the forest...I can feel a very powerful presence. *Mind* Is it Salem? But this one is way more powerful and much more different than her's...just what is in that forest?

Glynda: Now that you said it, I do feel a very powerful aura coming from the forest...the aura is so's like-

??? 2: A God?

Then me and Glynda turned to the direction of where the voice was coming from. It was non other than Qrow himself, taking a sip from his flask.

Qrow: I felt that too, Ozpin. This is something I've never felt before. Is it Salem?

Ozpin: *sighs and takes a sip from his coffee mug* I don't know, I can't tell. But we need to see what is in that forest.

Then the elevator doors opened and all three of us looked at the elevator. Then out of the elevator stepped out one of Atlas' Personnel, Winter Schnee and General Ironwood.

Qrow: Ah, great! Now the Bitch Schnee and Irondick is here!

Winter: Oh shut it, you drunkard! You're a poor excuse of a Hunter!

Ironwood: That's enough, both of you. Act like your age. Ozpin, did you feel that powerful tremor too?

Ozpin: In fact, we were just discussing it. Why?

Winter: We were able to pick up large energy readings im the forest.'s unlike anything we've seen.

Ironwood: The aura coming from the forest is equivalent to a star. A damn star.

Glynda: My Oum! What should we do? Headmaster?

Ozpin: *sigh* I know that I shouldn't be doing this, sending children to an unknown and possible threat...but we have no choice...they're the best we have. Glynda? Call Team RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, and CRDL.

Glynda: On it.

Then Glynda went to the mic and spoke through it, and all of the speakers in the entire school transmitted the announment.

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