Chapter 95: You Know Nothing About Me

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Dream Sequence

Your POV

I woke up in a strange place, somewhere I've never seen before, a place never been even heard of. It was a spacious place, filled with green weed and the rays from the sun passed through the gaps of the ruins. 

I then noticed, something was in front of me. A horrendous vile creature, I summoned my Gauntlets, but something else jumped the was wearing my armor...Wolf.

Y/N: Who are you?! Why do you have my armor?!

???: ꡖꡇꡀꡓꡄꡕꡄꡑꡱꡓꡇꡎꡔꡆꡇꡱꡀꡑꡓ,ꡱꡒꡓꡀꡘꡱꡀꡖꡀꡘꡫ

Y/N: I am not afraid of you! Answer me! Why do have something that's mine?!

???: ꡒꡎꡎꡍ...ꡈꡱꡖꡈꡋꡋꡱꡁꡄꡱꡂꡎꡍꡒꡔꡌꡄꡃ...ꡁꡘꡱꡓꡇꡄꡌ...ꡁꡘꡱꡓꡇꡄꡱꡃꡀꡑꡊ...

Y/N: Them? Dark? What are you talking about?

???: ꡈꡱꡁꡄꡆꡱꡎꡅꡱꡓꡇꡄꡄ...ꡓꡇꡄꡱꡒꡏꡑꡄꡀꡃꡱꡎꡅꡱꡓꡇꡄꡱꡀꡁꡘꡒꡒ...ꡌꡔꡒꡓꡱꡁꡄꡱꡒꡓꡎꡏꡏꡄꡃ...

Y/N: What...Abyss?

I then noticed that he was being covered with a black and purple aura, he was growling in pain, until he let out a full animalistic roar. He removed his sword from the ground with the creature still impaled, he then threw the creature towards me and I dodged.

I went wide eyed as I realized...this was a distraction, I looked up and saw the person who was wearing my armor, about to bring it down on me from high up in the air. Before I could do anything...I already woke up with a scream.

Dream Sequence End

Y/N: Aaarrgghh! *pant* *pant* *pant* *pant* *pant*

I woke up in cold sweat, like last time. I looked down on my gem and I clutched it. Who was that? What was he talking about? What does he mean by "them" "the Dark"...."The Abyss"...what does it mean.

I then saw a oversized bulge under my blanket, at first I thought it was just the pillows, but when I looked under, I saw Yang and wait just a second!! What the Hell?!

Y/N: Yang? Ruby? What are you-

Yang: *puts a finger on your lips* Shhhh...just sleep, sugar. You're lucky we're doing this for you.

Y/N: What did you do to me while I was out?

Yang: Oh you know...a little "job". *giggles*

Y/N: No! You did not just do that!

Yang: Like I said, legal age is 15.


Ruby: Mmmm...*yawn* Yang's lying. She's just jealous that I slept with you...

Y/N: And just WHY oh WHY did you sleep with me?

Ruby: I-it was raining heavily last night and there were so many thunder...and I had a nightmare.

Y/N: Why not with your sister?

Ruby: She snores loudly and...she kicks me out of the bed in her sleep...she almost kicked you out of your own bed too.

Yang: Hey! I do not!

I just let out a sigh as I got off from my bed and I stood up, for some reason I feel tired and dizzy, I then looked outside the window and the sun was still down. I then went to the bathroom and I washed my face with the water and I used a towel to dry my face off. I walked  out f the bathroom and I saw the two half-sisters still on my bed.

Painite's Existence(StevenUniverseXMaleGemReader) (Harem, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now