Chapter 36: That Pint-Sized Bitch!

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Steven's POV

Follmowing the events in the last chapter, after Steven regained consciousness, he quickly announces the latest crisis to the Crystal Gems at his home.

Steven: This is an emergency!

Pearl: Why is Homeworld stealing humans from the boardwalk?

Steven: I don't know, but they're only taking my friends! They even got Connie! If we don't do something, they're going to take them into space!

Amethyst: And our spaceship got jacked, so if they leave Earth...

Garnet: They'll be gone for good.

Y/N: We still have my ship but we can't let them leave.

Amethyst: Ugh! Who were these guys?

Steven: That little Gem I saw before, her name's-

Y/N: Aquamarine.

Pearl: What?!

steven: How do you know her?

Y/N: One of the main reasons why I went rampant is because of her.

Steven: She's got a big friend- a fusion, named... Topaz.

Pearl: A Topaz fusion... And an Aquamarine?

Amethyst: Are they a big deal?

Pearl: Uhh, yes! Blue and Yellow Diamond must have sent them personally.

Y/N: Oh no.

Steven: The Diamonds? Oh no! They must be collecting more humans for the zoo!

Amethyst: But there's loads of humans on Earth. Why are they only grabbing your friends?

Steven: Maybe... Because my friends are the best!

The Gems look away in uneasy, while Y/N just gave me a deadpan expression, when Steven's phone starts buzzing.

Steven: *gasps* It's from Connie! I know where they are!

Change scene Beach City Funland

Your POV

A photo is sent to Steven's phone, revealing the entrance of Funland, me and the Crystal Gems head there immediately.

Garnet: Stay alert. They could be anywhere.

Y/N: Noted!

Amethyst: Did Connie send you any more pictures?

Steven: No, nothing.

Pearl: We know they're here somewhere.

The Gems run on ahead, leaving Steven behind, as he begins whisper-yelling for his friends. I braced myself for what will happen

Steven: Connie? Lars? Sadie? Onion? *sighs* Why them?

Steven tries calling Connie's cellphone, and "Alone Together" is heard in the distance. Steven runs towards the source of the music and finds Connie's phone on the ground. The Crystal Gems also come walking in too, after hearing the music. I summoned my gauntlets.

Pearl: *gasps* W-Was that Connie's pho-

Heavy footsteps is then heard from behind Steven. He peeks behind from the corner of his eyes and spots Topaz peeking out from behind the merry-go-round. Fuck.

Aquamarine: *pops out* Oh, no! ♪ You found us. ♪

Onion and Sadie peeks out too, mumbling frantically.

Jamie: *pops out* Help!

Steven: Give it up, Aquamarine! There's nowhere to run!

Aquamarine: Oh, what's this, now? Did you think we were running away?

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