Chapter 75: Strike Back

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Your POV

Why does this had to happen now?! Of all times, why now?! The ship then sent down drop pods to the ground. And those pods contain at least thirty invaders.

Y/N: Jet, gather your Insurgents and get ready to fight!

Jet: Copy that!

Then she ran to base and entered the building, while I fly back to the Throne Room. I dropped to the ground as I finally arrived and I opened the doors to see all of the Diamonds at the door, along with Steven.

Y/N: We gotta evacuate the entire city! Now!

Steven: Hold on, Y/N. What's going on?

Y/N: There's an invasion! We don't have much time! Engage all anti-air turrets surrounding the city! I have to get enough
Anti-Air Colossus spreaded throughout the city! All of you stay here!

Then I ran back outside and flew to my palace, I went to the mic and the signal transmitted throughout the city.

Y/N: Attention all Gems! This is not a drill nor a test! This is an invasion, all non-comabatant personnel, find shelter and stay calm! All combatants available, get ready, we need to fend off the invasion! May the Stars have mercy to us all.

Then I started glowing and materialized an armor around me, as the armor covered me, clashing of metal can be heard, I assume it's the armor itself. A few seconds more of blinding light and metal clashing, the light faded and the armor was finally covering me.

 A few seconds more of blinding light and metal clashing, the light faded and the armor was finally covering me

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Then I flew down and landed in front of the invader's ship. Then I focused my mind, everything fell silent. Then I heared marching at the distance, I turned to where it was coming from, and saw that it was Jet's Insurgent Core, they all marched down towards me and Jet was with Citrine. Along with three other Jets that I don't know. One looks like a Centurion and one looks like a Battle Mage and a Combat Engineer.

 One looks like a Centurion and one looks like a Battle Mage and a Combat Engineer

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Painite's Existence(StevenUniverseXMaleGemReader) (Harem, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now