Red Light Gren Light 1..2..3🦑

43 6 38

3rd POV
Kevin turned around and scanned Kirstie from head to toe.

"Who are you? And how do you know my name?" He asked.

Kirstie gasped. "You don't remember me? Do you remember PTX? Our band?"

Kevin nodded. "Yes, I remember PTX...but I still don't know who you are, I'm sorry."

"W-What happened to you?"

"A couple of months ago, I got into a car accident. It turns out, I have a brain tumor in my frontal lobe, so, I tend to forget things."

Kirstie sighed. "My name is Kirstin, but you can call me Kirstie!" She said shaking Kevin's hand.

Kevin smiled. "I'm Kevin, nice to meet you Kirstin!"

Kirstie gave him a fake smile. "He always called me Kirst or Kirstie..." she thought.

The two were interrupted by two people arguing.

"YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Someone shouted.

A tall blonde and a shortish brunette were fighting each other.

"SCOTT PLEASE STOP!!" The brunette shouted.

Kirstie immediately turned towards the two. "Scott...Mitch..."

Scott looked at Kirstie and Kevin with wide eyes and smiled. "Wow, look at that! It really is a family reunion!" He said and stepped forward towards Kirstie. "Awww, you still have those tempered eyes! I've missed those!"

Kirstie rolled her eyes. "What's a Stanford student and a mafia leader doing here anyway?"

"Not that it's any of your business but, I owe someone money to help load off weapons." Scott said.

"I...uh..." Mitch blushed. "I-I can't afford college funds..."

"Isn't Mike a doctor? How comes he can't just help you?" Kirstie asked.

Mitch looked down. "He said he wouldn't help me with that..."

Scott laughed. "How pathetic!!!"

"Fuck you Scott!" Kirstie shouted.

An alarm went off in the room. The doors at the front of the room opened.

Pink soldiers with circle and square helmets stood there silently.

"What...the actual fuck?" Kirstie mumbled.

The Square Soldier walked in front and spoke. "I would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to you all! Everyone here will participate in six different games over six days. Out of all 456 of you, the last person standing will win a handsome cash prize."

"And why should we believe that? You took all our stuff and put us to sleep coming here, and then you brought us to this strange warehouse. Now you're saying you'll pay us if we go and play a few games? That's hella weird!" A random dude asked.

"We took all of those measures to maintain confidentiality as we brought you here. We'll return everything once the games are over." Square Soldier said.

"Why are you all wearing those masks?" A random lady asked.

"We do not disclose the faces of our staff to any of the participants. It's a measure we must take to ensure fair games and confidentiality. Please understand!"

"Well I don't believe that shit, you got that? You tricked us! We were kidnapped!" Mitch shouted. "You can make as many excuses as you want to make sure nobody knows you broke the law in here. If you're going to make up for this, we're gonna need something more."

The Last One Standing Is... (Mirstie, Scomark fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now