Real or Fake?: Part 2🦑

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A Square Soldier led the players to the next game room.

Everyone got in line in the order number they picked.

They all got led to a large glass bridge. Some soldiers were standing on the other side of it.

VIP 2 gasped. "Oh wow!!! It's bigger!!! A lot bigger!!"

Hello, players, let me welcome you all to the fifth game.

The fifth game is Glass Stepping Stones. The steppingstones before you are made from one of two types of glass. One will be tempered glass and the other will be normal glass.

The tempered glass steppingstone is strong enough to hold the weight of two people. However, the normal glass will break even if just one person steps on it.

For this game, you will guess which one of the next two tiles is the title made of the stronger tempered glass, and only step on those across the 18 pairs of title.

You may then cross over to the other side safely and pass this game.

Player 96 gulped. "So...the numbers on us..."

"...are the order in which you will cross the bridge." The Square Soldier said finishing his sentence.

Player 96 turned around and looked at Kirstie. Kirstie looked at him with sad eyes.

He turned back around. "But how do I tell which one is the tempered glass??"

The Square Soldier didn't say anything.

VIP 1 got her binoculars and saw Player 96 step out from the crowd. "Fucking scumbag." She mumbled and then gulped down her drink. "Bring me another scotch!!!"

Avi looked at the game and didn't pay attention to her.

"HEY YOU!!!" VIP 1 shouted.

Avi closed his eyes and sighed. He went towards VIP 1 and poured her another glass.

VIP 1 then held his wrist. "I don't wanna have to keep calling you back. Sit next to me."

"I must serve the other guests, ma'am." Avi said.

VIP 1 was stunned by his deep voice. "I'm keeping this one next to me!!! Any objections??" She asked.

"Not at all!!" The other VIPS said.

Avi sat down next to VIP 1.

For this game, you will have 16 minutes. Players must cross the bridge within those 16 minutes.

Each player, take off your shoes, then go up to the tiles in order.

And now, let the game begin!!!

The timer started.

Player 96 took off his shoes stood on the ledge of the bridge.

2 minutes quickly past by and Player 96 still didn't move.

"What are you doing? We're losing time!!!" A player shouted.

"Hurry up and go!!" Another player shouted.

Mark walked up to Player 96. "Hey, take your step now or else I'll push your ass."

"Ok...I'll go, I'll go! I'll go right now!" Player 96 said shakily.

"And please try to choose carefully!!" Player 308 (#2) said.

Player 96 jumped to the left glass.

The players cheered excitedly.

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