Real or Fake?: Part 1🦑

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WARNING ⚠️: suicide

A Circle Soldier put Matt's body into a gift coffin.

The frontwoman looked at the Soldiers at work and then talked through the walkie-talkie. "The intruder?"

"We haven't located him yet, ma'am."

She looked at her watch and then sighed. "Make sure you catch him. The VIPs will arrive s**n."

Mark and the others walked back into the room. His jaw dropped when he saw a tall blond idiot laying peacefully in his bed.

Scott heard the footsteps and woke up. "Hello everyone!" He smirked. "Mark close your mouth, don't want a fly to get inside."

Mark stammered. "H-How are you-"

"What? Surprised to see me?" Scott said and then scoffed. "Looks like the rest of the Mystic Pride all died! Awww how sad!"

There was a little bit of an awkward silence so Scott continued talking.

"The masked guys all said that I was "the weakest link." So...I killed two of them to prove that I'm tougher than I seem. After that, they escorted me back to this room." Scott said and then cackled.

Kirstie and Mitch ran up to Scott.

"Oh my God, you're ok!!!" Mitch said excitedly and hugged Scott tightly.

Scott smiled. "They're not gonna get rid of me that easily!"

Kirstie hugged him but stayed silent.

Scott raised his invisible, unseeable, disguised, ghostly...yea you get the point...eyebrow. "Where's Steak and Gravy?"

Mitch gave a blank stare while Kirstie fiddled with the marble Kevin gave her.

Scott slumped his shoulder. "Oh...they didn't make it..did they? You have to explain to me everything that happened!"

Mitch and Kirstie looked at each other and then back at Scott.

The frontwoman's phone rang. She walked up to it and answered it. "Frontwoman speaking......I'm happy to hear you enjoy the game, sir......Yes, sir. The host is currently waiting for the VIPs to arrive......" She said and then hung up the phone.

The frontwoman walked down her hallway but then stopped. She grabbed her gun and turned around. "You're in here right now, aren't you?......Whoever the hell you are, you're good, but you made one mistake. I always put the receiver down the other way." She said and then starting opening random doors.

"The bullet you shot was from a 509 MRD-LE, a gun that the LAPD use." The frontwoman continued and opened more doors. "What's a fricking cop doing here...and without a partner too?" She said and then sighed. "I'm sure you have LOTS of questions. It's not too late to come out and talk."

Then she went into her room. "I don't how the hell you got in...but you can't leave this place without my permission." She said and then went down into the secret passageway.

The frontwoman went into the file room and saw some draws open. She closely them and sighed. Then, she ran out of the room.

Avi was hidden underneath a table.

Mark munched on an apple while watching Scott do the same thing.

Scott saw Mark staring at him so he stuck up the middle finger at him.

Mark rolled his eyes and then looked at Lindsay.

Tears were still rolling down Lindsay's face as she bit into her apple.

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