Searching for the Intruder 🦑

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A Triangle Soldier led the three players back to their room.

Avi took off the diving pack and took off his phone that was in a ziplock bag. He cursed when there was no Wi-Fi .

He quickly ran towards the rocky mountain.

Lindsay shivered and limped towards her bed.

Kirstie stood in front of Mitch. "Why the hell you do that???"

Mitch smirked. "You should know the answer to that by now Kirst. I'm a murderer."

Kirstie scoffed. "You're only looking after yourself, typical selfish behavior!"

Mitch coo'd. ", Kirst, I'm also looking after you! What if that guy ended up wasting our time on that one step like Mark? We would be dead if it isn't for me."

"But he was on the last title! He would've moved to the next one s**n!" Kirstie exclaimed.

"And how can you know that? That last guy could tell the tempered glass apart the whole time, but he watched Scott and the rest of them die!"

"May I remind you that the only reason you and I even made it is because he could tell the titles apart." Kirstie asked.

"Kirstie that's bullshit!! That guy is not the reason that I'm still here!"

Kirstie nodded. "'re right, Matt is!! Oh wait...Matt should be alive not you!"

Mitch's eyes grew wide. " do you know?"

"Avi told me everything!!! I can't believe you!!! Since you've made your point clear that you'll do anything to win...I'll do the same, even if it means killing you!" Kirstie said and then walked away.

An alarm blared. Four Soldiers walked into the room.

"Players, we sincerely congratulate and commend you all for successfully making it through the first five games. The three of you are now the finalists, and as such, we have prepared a special gift for each of you. Before you we reveal the gift, please take a moment to change into the outfits we have brought." The Square Soldier said.

Lindsay turned on the sink pipe and took off her T-Shirt and sweater. She took a deep breathe and removed the glass from her stomach.

She then ripped her old shirt and tied the wound together. After she got rid of most of the blood, she opened the new outfit.

Avi ran with his phone in search to find Wi-Fi.

The frontwoman saw the diving pack Avi dropped. "Bring him to me alive."

The soldiers all ran towards the mountain.

The frontwoman grabbed her gun and shot the diving pack.

Avi heard the shotgun and immediately ducked behind a tree. He looked on his phone and saw that he had one bar on Wi-Fi. He immediately called the chief.

"Avi! Where the hell are you?" The chief shouted.

"Can you hear me all right, sir?" Avi whispered.

"I haven't seen or heard from you in days!"

"Just hold on, I'll explain it later...look, I'm somewhere southwest of the mainland!"


"Can you try to locate my signal? Put a whole team together for this!!" Avi asked.

"Ummm...sure. But a whole team??" The chief asked.

"I need backup. You gotta get a whole squad. The police, coast guard, everyone!!!"

"'re breaking up!!"

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