HoneyComb...or HoneyGo🦑

34 6 16

Again, this is the best title, I could come up with 😅

Lindsay held her breath as the smoke cleared out. She pretended to fall asleep by laying down on the seat.

Avi kept following the van but still managed to keep a reasonable distance from it.

He made a turn and stopped the car. He got out and saw a bunch of vans entering a place.

He took out his phone and talked to the chief. The last van pulled up to the line. Avi checked his ammo in his gun and carefully made his way towards the van. He got to the back and went underneath it.

All of the vans pulled up into a parking lot. Avi quickly maneuvered his way behind the last vans.

A pink soldier looked at the vans and nodded. "Begin player inspection."

All of the vans automatically opened.

Avi quickly when to the nearest one and saw Kirstie asleep. All of the pink soldiers who drove the van got out of them.

Avi quickly made his way inside Kirstie's van and pretended to fall asleep.

The Circle Soldiers all used a tractor and beamed it behind the unconscious players ears.

A Circle Soldier went up to Avi and did the same thing, however the device made a trill sound. The soldier tilted Avi's head towards the other side, but it trilled again.

Avi opened his eyes and punched the Circle Helmet in the face.

Circle Soldier grabbed a knife and tried to stab Avi with it but Avi grabbed their wrist and twisted it the opposite way. He then proceeded to choke Circle Soldier out and kill them.

Avi panted. He took off the soldier's clothes and wore it on himself.

He stepped out of the van and carefully grabbed the original soldiers body out. Avi put his police ID in the dead soldier's jacket and threw them out into the ocean.

"HEY YOU!!" A Triangle Soldier walked up towards Avi.

Avi started to breathe heavily. "Sorry. I just got seasick." He said pretending to gag.

A Square Soldier walked in front of him. "Did you forget the rules? You do not speak unless your superior allows you to....now, go standby in the cabin."

Every player was put on a stretcher and carried towards body search and change.

It was Lindsay turn so while she had her eyes closed, she put her pocketknife into a Circle Helmet's pocket.

While the soldiers were putting back her player clothes on, she took out the pocketknife from the soldiers pocket and hid it in her hand.

"Hey...Kevin..." Kirstie whispered.

Kevin slowly opened his eyes and saw Kirstie and Mitch in front of him.

"Are you alright?" Mitch asked.

Kevin stretched out his arms. "Yea, I'm ok...so player 456 and player 218 are back!!"


Kevin smiled and then looked around. "A lot of people decided to come back..."

"Yea...you're right. I guess everybody's desperate as much as we are..." Mitch said.

"Hey guys!!!" Matt said running up towards the three. "I'm happy to see you!!! I hope we make it!"

"Guys, we should form a group!!!" Kirstie said.

"You're right! Who knows what they'll make us play next..." Kevin said.

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