In or Out? Part 2🦑

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Wow, I started this book last week (or 2 weeks ago, I can't remember) and it already has 100 reads!!! Thx loves ❤️❤️

Warning ⚠️: Mentions of drinking, blood

Kirstie pulled over her blanket and snuggled up on a "pillow." It really wasn't a pillow, it was Mitch's chest.

Mitch slowly opened his eyes and blushed furiously. "Uhhh...Kirst?"

Kirstie rubbed her eyes and yawned. Then, she looked at Mitch. "Oops, I'm sorry for invading your personal space."

Mitch smiled. "It's alright...but...what happened last night??"

Kirstie scratched her head. "I have no idea..."

Mitch's POV
I know what you're thinking and no, we did not have sex, Kirstie and I just passed out on her bed.

We kissed!!!! We fucking kissed!!! It was so magical!!!

Kirstie's mom (Caroline) was sitting on the couch watching Jeopardy. She immediately looked at us when we entered through the door.

"Where have you been Kirst?" Caroline asked. Then her eyes locked with mine. "Hey Mitchell."

I bit my lip. "Hi...Ms. Maldonado! How have you been?"

Caroline shrugged. "Oh you know, having my 29 year old daughter still living with me, piles of hospital bills and rent. Just your typical Tuesday."

I cringed. "I deserved that, and I'm sorry..."

Caroline rolled her eyes. "I don't need your apology, I just need for you to tell my daughter the truth."

Kirstie immediately looked at me. "What truth?"

"I...I'll tell you when the time is right..."

Kirstie shrugged and then grabbed a bottle of red wine, a box of strawberries, and a bag of chocolate.

"Mitch, you can go up to my room while I prepare these snacks!" She said while putting the strawberries into a bowl.

I nodded. "Ok...see you around Ms. Maldonado!"

I went upstairs into and walked into Kirstie's room. I scanned her dresser and saw pictures of when we won the Sing-Off, when we won our first Grammy, and when "That's Christmas to Me" has been certified double platinum.

After looking at the picture, I sat on Kirstie's bed and looked through my phone.

I searched through YT Mirstie edits. Pentaholics are soooo good at ship names!!

I clicked on a video and immediately got butterflies in my stomach. There was a picture where I had my glasses on and we were almost to kiss.

Granted, the picture was such a joke, but imagine if it wasn't.

Kirstie then walked in the room with a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries, two wine glasses, and a bottle of red wine.

She put the snacks down on a table and then launched on her bed face first. "It's good to be back home!!!"

I giggled. "We weren't gone for that long, just a day."

"A day too long!!" Kirstie said and then took the bowl of strawberries. "Want some?"

I nodded and took up one strawberry. "I haven't had chocolate covered strawberries in a while!!" (A/N: Try Reese's...if you aren't allergic to peanut butter...with strawberries!! They are GOOOOOD!)

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