Teammer or Betrayer🦑

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Everyone...except for Kevin woke up when they heard classical music playing through the speakers.

Kevin looked around and saw his teammates starting to wake up.

"Hey Kev?" Kirstie said in a tired voice. "Did you stay up all night?"

Kevin chuckled. "I thought those guys over there would attack again or something." He said pointing to the Mystic Pride.

"Kev, but you must be so exhausted already..."

Kevin sighed. "It's alright, besides, I didn't help went they attacked the first time. But keeping night watch, I can do that."

Attention, players. The third game will begin momentarily. Please follow the staff's instructions and swiftly make your way towards the game hall.

Let me repeat the instructions. The third game will begin momentarily. Please follow the staff's instructions and swiftly make your way towards the game hall.

All of the pink soldiers exited out of their rooms.

Beginning head count now. Please wait in front of your door.

Avi quickly putted on the Circle Mask and put the Square Mask in his pocket. He quickly exited out of his room and stood in front of his door.

The same Circle Soldier who coughed last night coughed again.

Avi looked at him.

Head count complete.

All of the soldiers walked their different areas.

Avi followed the other Circle Soldier behind him.

The players were lead towards a white room.

Players, welcome to the third game. For this game, you will play in teams.

All players, please divide yourselves into team of ten people.

Your time limit will be ten minutes. Ten minutes.

Let me repeat the instructions. For this game, you will play in teams.

All players, please divide yourselves into team of ten people.

Your time limit will be ten minutes. Ten minutes.

Mark whispered to Player 278. "We need to get a bunch of men who are well built."

Player 278. "Okay! What about Alpha?"

Scott laughed at something a member said to him and then waved at Mark.

Mark smiled and waved back.

Kirstie looked at the timer. "Something that has teams of ten players. So maybe Heads Up or Escape Room. Escape Room requires people who knows about clues and riddles. But we can't be 100% sure what the next game is." She said and then looked at Mitch. "What should we do?"

Mitch sighed. "Our team already has two girls and I myself isn't the strongest tool in the shed. I think we'd better get more men."

"What if they make us play Elastics? What do we do?"

Lindsay laughed. "I know how to play that, but we should stick to Mitch's plan and get more men! It's our lives we're betting on. And we gotta win."

"Since there's five of us already, let's all bring back a guy." Mitch said and everyone nodded.

The five dispersed into the crowd of players.

"Boss look, this guy wants to join us!!" Player 278 said to Mark.

The Last One Standing Is... (Mirstie, Scomark fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now