Marble Buddies: Part 2🦑

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Everyone heard the gunshot and Scott's scream.

Mitch and Matt looked at each other nervously.

Mark chuckled. "I'm sick of that bitch. It's nice to think he won't be in way again."

Player 278 bit his lip. "What he said about you in there, you working with the doctor..."

"It's nothing! That bitch was trying to get into your head." Mark lied.

Attention. All players, please follow the staff to your designated positions for the game.

Different Triangle Soldiers led the pairs to different area.

"Matt, listen! No one can stop us if we work together. I think you and I could really win the money. We do this and get out of here!" Mitch said.

Matt nodded. "Some of that money can help Sarah and I pay rent...and whatever you need the money for."

"College funds...and rent." Mitch lied.

"We can do this!" Matt said.

Kevin looked around the place while holding Kirstie's hand. "When I was a kid...I lived in a neighborhood just like this."

Kirstie smiled. "Really??? So did I! Our alleyway looked very similar."

Kevin chuckled. "I can't believe that we've lived so close to each other and didn't even know it!"

The two stopped talking when the Triangle Soldier turned around to them.

Players, please take one bag each from the staff member before you.

The Triangle Solder held out two small bags of marbles.

Kirstie and Kevin took them and opened the bag.

There should be a set of ten marbles in each bag. Please check to confirm the number.

Kirstie counted the marbles. "Are we playing Mancala?"

Kevin gasped. "I love that game! I was pretty good!"

Kirstie bit her lip. "I was ok at it...maybe you can teach me how to play the game better."

Kevin nodded. "Of course...marble buddy!"

Kirstie giggled a bit.

In this game, using your set of ten marbles, you will play the game of your choice with your partner.

The player who manages to take all ten marbles from their partner wins. The other will be eliminated.

Kirstie and Kevin's smile completely wiped off of their faces.

Let me repeat the instructions. Using your set of ten marbles, you will play the game of your choice with your partner.

The player who manages to take all ten marbles from their partner wins. The other will be eliminated.

Mark looked at Player 278 and chuckled. "Tuff luck!"

Mitch and Matt slowly looked at each other.

Leigh looked at Lindsay who was staring into space.

You will have 30 minutes for this game.

Let the game begin.

The timer started.

Kevin started to wonder around the room.

"Wait! Kevin, come back!" Kirstie said following him.

The frontwoman looked at her security cameras at all of the pairs.

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