Marble Buddies: Part 1🦑

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Damn....this episode man

A loud siren woke up everyone from their sleep.

Scott and Matt looked at each other worriedly.

Kevin covered his ears from the loud sound.

Avi looked around the frontwoman's place with his gun in one hand.

He opened a door and went downstairs into a secret passageway. He kicked the door opened and found a room full of old files.

He found a list from 2001 and skimmed through the names. There was nothing so he closed it and kept searching.

All of the soldiers stood in front of their rooms.

Two of the soldiers opened Number 28, and Avi's room.

"Number 29 is gone too." The Square Soldier said.

"Find him!" The frontwoman said.

"He's not in the security cameras ma'am!"

The frontwoman looked at the security camera and saw some of the soldiers looking for the intruder. "He has to be in here."

The Triangle Soldiers went inside the room.

Attention. All players, please make your way to the center of the room.

The soldiers aimed at the players.

"All of you, go!" One soldier screamed.

Mark raised in eyebrow.

"What's going on in here?" Player 278 asked.

Mark and the Mystic Pride all walked towards the end of the room.

"Hey boss, about the doctor, he's not here." Player 303 said.

"Move it!" Another Triangle Soldier said to Mitch and the others.

Kevin still continued to lay on his bed and stared blankly into the air.

"Get up! NOW!!" The Triangle Soldier said aiming his gun at Kevin's head.

"Listen. He's very sick right now, sir!" Kirstie said but another Triangle Soldier aimed his gun at her.

The soldier grabbed Kevin's sheet and saw that Kevin peed his pants.

Kevin shivered under the soldiers gaze. "I-I'm s-sorry!"

Avi looked at Kirstie's player sheet. He turned the last page and saw nothing.

He used his flashlight and looked around the room and saw a small gift in a cabinet.

He opened it and saw a list full of past winners. He looked at the winner of 2016. He gasped. "Player 132, Esther..."

He went back to the file of players and grabbed the 2016 one.

Three Square soldiers stood next to the lines of players while the Triangle Soldiers fixed back the beds.

The Square Soldier looked at Scott.

"Stop looking at me...perv..." Scott mumbled.

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