Moving On🦑

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This is gonna be the last chapter.
Thank you all for your support!!!❤️❤️❤️
Until next time!!! 😘

Also, thanks for 500 reads!!!

Warning ⚠️: mentions of suicide

*1 year later*

Kirstie's POV
It's been a year since I've played those dreadful games.

Ever since my mom died and I buried her, I knew that was a sign to get my life back on track.

Jeremy has been by my side day in and day out.

Yes, there were some hard times when I felt like giving up, but Jeremy encouraged me to push myself to be the best that I can be.

He even said that I should talk to his old therapist, Anna, to air out what's inside of me.

As I sat down on a chair diagonal from Anna, I fiddled with my hands.

My therapist, Anna, wrote down a couple of notes.

"You still don't believe me, do you?" I asked.

Anna smiled. "Of course I believe you!! Our jobs as therapists is to help and understand our patients as best as we can."

"That's what my last therapist said before I explained the story. Next minute, he told me to get out."

Anna shook her head. "Then he shouldn't be a therapist." She said and then sighed. "I have two questions though. First, what happened to Avi? He's the only one who knows where the games took place!"

My smile completely wipe off of my face. "I-I don't know...I haven't heard from him since. Honestly, I don't blame him. His own sister shot him."

Anna frowned. "Well, when he feels like it, tell him to give me a call."

I nodded. "I will! What's the second question?"

"Do you still love Mitch?" Anna immediately asked.

I tried hard to keep myself from blushing. "No...I love Jeremy!"

Anna raised an eyebrow. "Kirstie..."


"Tell me the truth! Do you still love Mitch...despite what he did?"

I bit my lip. "Ok fine!!! I do, but honestly, I love Jeremy too! He's the only one I have left!"

Anna hmm'd. "Kirstie, I'm just gonna give you the cold hard truth, you don't love Jeremy. You think you do, but you don't. He's just a void to fill in because Mitch died."

My eyes grew wide. "How do you know?" I quietly asked.

"I read auras, that's why I became a therapist. You have a pinkish-gray aura. You're healthy, compassionate, and sweet, but you're also gloomy and sad. No matter how hard you try, you can't change what happened in the past! Instead, you can learn from the experience and move forward."

I sighed and then looked at my watch. "I have to go and pick up Lily from school. I'll see you next week." I said getting up and grabbing my stuff.

Anna nodded. "Have you been taking your pills?"

I cringed. "I'll take it tonight, I promise!!!" I said and then walked out of the place.

3rd POV
Lily waved back to her friends as she hopped into the back of Kirstie's car.

"Did you have fun at school today?" Kirstie asked.

Lily nodded. "The best!!!!! It was Kendall's birthday today so her parents surprised her with a birthday party."

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