Marble Buddies: Part 3🦑

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The timer was 07:00.

One member of the Mystic Pride, Player 040, had no more marbles left.

A Triangle Soldier walked up to him and shot him in the head.

Player 40, eliminated.

Kirstie breathed heavily as she held her last marble. "Even...wait, no...Odd!"

Kevin opened up his hand that had 2 marbles.

A tear rolled down Kirstie's face.

"Which one did you just say?" Kevin asked.

Kirstie looked at him. "I still have hope...but I don't want to lie to my best friend." She thought and then sighed. "Even. I said...even."

Kevin looked at the marbles in his hand. "Oh...I lost this one." He said and handed hand Kirstie his marbles.

"We both can win this round? Are you sure?" Matt asked.

Mitch nodded. "Just hear me out first and then turn me down if you'd like." He said and then gave Matt a marble. "Hold onto this ok? So you won't have any guilt around my death."

"B...But what's your plan?" Matt asked.

Player 68, eliminated.

"It'll depend on who we're going against. We need to know which teams will be here after the round ends. Let's split up to get an idea of how all the other teams are doing to be prepared."

"You take left, and I'll take right, we'll meet back here when the timer is 05:00," Matt said.

Mitch hesitantly nodded. "Matt...your pouch there, it's too dangerous to keep it out. Someone might tackle you and get the marbles. Lose it and we'll both die."

Matt nodded.

"Give it here. I'll make sure that it's safe, ok?" Mitch said.

Matt hesitantly gave Mitch the marbles.

Mitch took off his sweater and placed the marbles underneath it. He ripped open and piece of his shirt.

"What are you gonna do if you win all that money and get out?" Lindsay asked.

Leigh shrugged. "I honestly don't know. Probably go shopping, travel..."

Player 229, eliminated.

Player 278 and Mark were almost all out of marbles.

Player 278 started to get nervous as he missed the hole again.

Mark held the marble and then sighed. He blew on it for good luck and then he threw the marble. The marble landed at the tip of the hole.

Player 278 went in his bag and got his last marble. "Well, Luna, it's been a pleasure meeting you." He said and then threw the marble.

Player 278's marble knocked Mark's marble into the hole.

Mark screamed excitedly. "That marble that went in was mine asshole! It was nice know you, you fucking shithead." He said pushing Player 278 to the ground.

Mark ran and grabbed all of the marbles and put it in his bag.

The Triangle Soldier raised his gun but Player 278 made a run for it. He made it to the exited but another Triangle Soldier was waiting for him to appear. The soldier shot the player with multiple bullets.

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