Lights Out🦑

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If you've seen the episode, you know where I'm going with this

Warning ⚠️: Smut, I'll take a 🥺 for when it starts and finishes if you want to skip it.

Scott poked Mark's butt with the lighter. "Thank you."

Mark took it and smirked to himself.

Kirstie and Kevin were walking back to the room.

"Y-You saved me." Kevin said.

"What? How?" Kirstie asked.

"Licking the honeymoon. You're the reason I got through this round."

Kirstie chuckled and they continued walking towards the room.

Matt and Mitch were waiting for them.

"GUYS! YOU MADE IT!!" Matt said giving both of them a hug. "I was really worried!"

"It will take a whole lot more to kill me!!" Kirstie said.

"Are you holding up all right Kevin?" Matt asked.

"I'm ok! All thanks to Kirstin's sharp thinking!"

Kirstie smiled at Kevin.

Mitch sighed. "I'm sorry. I was wrong to suggest separating."

Kirstie patted Mitch on the shoulder. "It's ok. You couldn't have known what the next game was. Choosing the umbrella was my call. Don't worry about it, ok?"

Mitch nodded and smiled. "The whole team made it."

Attention, players. I will now announce the results of the second game.

On the big TV the number of players when down while the cash prize went up.

Out of the 187 players who participated, 79 players were eliminated.

The piggy bank started to add more money into it.

Scott wrapped his arm around Mark while looking up at the piggy bank.

The prize money accumulated this round is 7.9 billion dollars. The total prize money accumulated so far is now 34.8 billion dollars.

Attention. Your mealtime begins now. All players, please form a line in the center of the room.

The players got into two lines and got their dinner.

The dinner was one piece of chicken, and sparkling water.

"That's it??" Scott asked.

Circle Soldier didn't say anything.

Scott rolled his eyes and got out of the line with his food. "Asswipes. I just this come to dying and this is what I get for a damn meal."

Mark tapped Scott's shoulder and whispered him something.

Scott laughed and nodded.

Player 278, Player 303, Player 040, and Mark cut in front of some people.

"Excuse me sir, what are you doing?" Player 198 asked tapping Mark's shoulder.

Scott stood behind Mark and then turned around to Player 198. "Shut your damn mouth and grab dinner."

The frontwoman walked out of her elevator and entered the security room.

Player 242 took the last dinner and went to his bed.

Five players who were at the back of the line got upset.

"I didn't get anything. Where's the rest?" Player 271 asked.

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