In or Out?🦑

57 7 54

This was the best title I could come up with...

The pink soldiers grabbed all of the dead bodies from Red Light Green Light and burned them into a furnace.

The survivors all went back into the room and sat down silently.

Kirstie sighed. "Mitch. You help me out there, so thank you!"

Mitch blushed a bit. "No problem Kirst!"

"And you did too Matt. You saved my life out there!" Kirstie continued.

"You're alive. That's all that matters!" Matt said.

An alarm blared and the pink soldiers walked inside the room.

Everyone quickly stood up and fidgeted among themselves.

"You have all made it through the first game. Congratulations! You're moving on!" The Square Helmet said. "I will now announce the results of the first game."

On the big TV, the numbers of the participants went down tremendously.

"Out of 456 players, 255 were eliminated, and 201 players successfully completed the first game."

The players all gasped and murmur against each other.

"Mister, p-please! I'm so sorry! I s-swear I will pay w-what I owe! I'll d-do it, I'll p-pay it all. P-Please l-let me l-leave!" Mark said begging on his knees.

"P-Please sir, let me l-live!!! I p-promise, I'll f-find a way to p-pay it all!" Player 309 said also going on her knees.

"Sir, please I can't go on!!" Player 073 cried.

A couple of other players also went on their knees and begged for them to return home.

"There seems to be a misunderstanding! We are not trying to hurt you or collect your debts!" Square Helmet said. "Let me remind you that we're here to give you a chance."

"A chance? We play some kids games. And then, you shoot us?? That's some fucking chance!" Scott shouted.

"We may be in debt, sir...but that doesn't justify killing us all!" Player 271 said shakily.

"This is just a game!"

"Killing everyone out there was to you huh?" Player 409 shouted.

"They were simply eliminated for breaking the rules of the game. If you just follow the rules, you can leave this place safely with the prize money we promised!"

"Just keep your damn money! I don't care!! Let me just go home. That's all I want!!" Kirstie shouted.

Indistinct chatter happened among the players.

"Consent form clause 1. A player is not allowed to stop playing!" Square Helmet said.

"Oh come on! You think you'll get away with this? The police will come! They'll just in here any minute now! They'll be here since we all disappeared!" Player 119 shouted.

"Yea, he's right! And I bet they have everybody's phones tracked here already! You're doomed if you don't let us go!" Player 066 said.

"WE'RE ALL DEAD!" Player 310 shouted.

A gunshot rang in the air and everyone ducked.

The Last One Standing Is... (Mirstie, Scomark fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now