In or Out? Part 3🦑

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Warning ⚠️: mentions of blood

And this is the longest chapter I've ever written😬

"Calm down Kirstie!!" Mitch said.

Kirstie scoffed. "Calm down??? You expect me to calm down after you've just told me you're being fricking wanted for identity theft??"

Mitch sighed. "This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you!!"

"How does Avi know??? How does my own mother know???" Kirstie asked.

"Ok, let me explain..."

*Flashback* (this may or may not have happened)
"You should tell Kirstie how you feel!" Avi said and he and Mitch were walking.

Mitch nodded his head. "On the phone or in person??"

"Definitely in person!!"

Mitch bit his lip. "I'm a little bit nervous...I-" He was cut of when he saw a wallet on the floor. He picked it up and opened it and saw an ID, some dollar bills, and a couple of credit cards. "Ben Bram??"

Avi took a peek at the wallet. "Give it to me and I'll send it to the police station!"

" n-need. I k-know Ben, he's my m-manager, I can give it to him in p-person!!" Mitch lied.

Avi smiled. "That's great!!!"

Kirstie stroked her chin. "Ben Bram...that name sounds familiar..."

Mitch chuckled nervously. "Anyways, let me continue the story..."

Mitch and Avi arrived at Kirstie's house.

"Thanks for walking with me." Mitch said as he rang the doorbell.

Avi smiled. "No problem!! Take care Mitch!" He said. "And don't forget to give Ben back his wallet!!!"

Mitch gave a fake smile. "Of course!!!"

Avi started to walk away into his own direction.

As Mitch saw Avi waking away, he looked at Ben's wallet.

He quickly ran towards the flower shop at the corner of the street. "Let hope any of these cards work!" He mumbled as he searched for the perfect bundles of flowers.

"Hello sir, is there anything we can help you with??" A lady worker asked.

Mitch nodded. "Yes, there's this girl I like and I want to tell her how I feel today. Do you know which type of flowers I should buy her??"

The lady smiled. "I know the perfect flowers for you! Wait right here!" She said and then walked away.

She grabbed a box full of red roses in a heart box.

She grabbed a box full of red roses in a heart box

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