Wanna Play a Game?🦑

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Warning⚠️: mentions of r*pe. I'll put a 😌😌 for when it starts and finishes finished.
Also, I was also gonna make this chapter have everyone's POV but I scratched that and just had the main character's POV.

Kirstie's POV
"KIRSTIN GET BACK HERE!" A man shouted.

I kept running and running until I reached a dead end in an alley.

Three men came up towards me. "Grab her!" He commanded to the other two.

The two nameless men walked towards me and grabbed my arms tightly.

The leader gave me a devilish smile and slapped my face. "Where's my money?" He asked.

"David...please...I-I don't have y-your money, please, just give me more t-time!" I begged as tears rolled down my eyes.

David bent down towards me and touched my T-Shirt. "That's what you said last time..."

"I-I'm sorry, I-I got d-dropped f-from my music l-label..."

He put both of his hands underneath my shirt. "Kirstin, I'm tired of being patient. Give me my money now or else..." He started to zip down my pants.

I tried kicking away but he grabbed my leg tightly.

"Don't you move a fucking muscle..." He whispered. "Tick Tock Kirstin! Where. Is. My. Money?"

"I-I don't have it, ok?" I shouted.

David nodded and letted go of my leg. He continued to pull down my jeans and underwear.

"N-No, p-please s-stop!!" I tried kicking him again but he slapped me.

"Since you can't repay me with money, you should be able to repay me this way..." David said getting a condom from his pocket.

He pulled down his hand and wrapped the condom around his tiny peewee dick.

He forced himself inside of me as I laid there completely numb.

Every instinct of mine kept telling me to scream, but I don't know what force kept me from opening my mouth.

He groaned in pleasure as I cried silently.


After minutes...or hours...he finally stopped and took off the "diseased" filled condom. He pulled back up his pants and sighed heavily. "I want my money by next week Tuesday, and if you don't have it by then...I cut off your arm and send it to your ill-lit mother!"

I didn't say anything.

"Pleasure doing business with you!" David shouted as he and his men walked away.

I shuddered as rain started to pour down the alleyway. I slowly pulled up my underwear and jeans and started to walk out of the alleyway. My legs were in fire...

I managed to use the bit of strength I had left to reach a bus stop.

As I sat down on the bench, pain spiked my legs.

I was so focused on my pain that I didn't see a bizarre guy with a suit case sitting next to me.

"Hello ma'am, can I talk to you?" He asked.

"No t-thanks..." I stuttered and scooted away from him.

"Listen, I want to let you in on a great opportunity..."

"No means no, sir..."

"Ma'am, do you want to play a game with me? It will only take 10 minutes!"

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