Lights Out: Part 2🦑

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The frontwoman saw the Circle Soldiers carrying out the dead bodies from the floor.

Kirstie looked at the rope burns on her hands.

Player 244 mumbled a prayer.

"Hey dude!!" Leigh said. "Who you think you're praying to, huh? To God? You think you made it out of there because of God, don't you? The reason you're still breathing and thanking that nice God of because of Kevin. And Kirstie who came up with that awesome last-minute trick."

Player 244 ignored Leigh and continued praying.

"You know if there's anybody that you should be thanking it's them, not God." Leigh continued.

Player 244 rose his head and looked at Leigh. "You sad lost soul. What would you say about everybody who was nailed to the cross for our salvation today? They sacrificed themselves for us. We are here, thanks to their blood. I pray to the Lord on behalf of all us sinners. I gave thanks for their sacrifice. God made a decision to help our team win. That's why we're all here."

Leigh rolled her eyes. "Bullshit! You killed those guys out there."

Player 244 continued to pray.

Leigh gasped. "Oh! If we say some prayers, do we all get to go to heaven?" She said and then clasped her hands and close her eyes. "I should really pray too if that's how easy it is. Our God who art in heaven, we worked as a team to send people to your side. And we sent a bunch of them today-"

"Shut up!" Lindsay said.

Leigh stopped praying and looked at Lindsay. "Me? Or you mean that guy?" She asked.

Lindsay laid her head on the wall of the elevator. "Everyone."

The elevator stopped and everyone got out of it.

The next team was on their way to the elevator.

"Did you see that bald guy wet his pants like a little baby?" Mark asked and laughed with his team.

Suddenly, he stopped when the room door started to open and Mitch was the first one to enter.

Scott silently scoffed at Mark's facial reaction.

Two Circles Soldiers brought the rope up from the ground while the rest carried the fallen player's bodies into the furnaces.

The person who was moving after he fall however, his gift coffin was brought into a different place.

A Triangle Soldier checked the player's pulse. "He's not breathing. Go get that doctor." He said to another.

Everyone sat with their team groups.

"You know what? I really thought we were going to die out there." Scott said. "And then, as s**n as we're all leaning back, I felt so damn powerful!!! Like, "Whoa! It works. Is this real?" Kevin, how do you know that?"

Kevin chuckled. "As a kid, I would always-"

"Ohhh, you copied that one thing from that movie. What's it called?" Scott said holding out his corn on the cob. "The guy who dodged bullets like this!!" He said flinging his noodle arms around.

"Matrix?" Matt asked.

Scott nodded and then looked at Kirstie. "And then that brilliant plan at the end. "Everyone, three steps up when I signal." Oh, my God! I can't believe how cool that was!"

Mitch raised an eyebrow. "If I can were the only one who was hesitant about taking three steps."

Scott scoffed. "Yea? Is that what you heard?"

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